Have you ever given a light away to a complete stranger?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 5, 2007
The way it happened is like this, I was looking to sell my old LED Lenser P14 cos I really don't need it and this chap comes along and answers my ad on the internet, he seemed quite anxious to get the light so we met up pretty darn quick, after exchanging pleasantries, I asked what he wanted the light for. And he said, "Oh, I need this light for work." So I take a closer look, he is wearing a T-shirt from one of our tourist attractions, so I ask him, "Security" and he goes, "yup".

So, i gave him the LED Lenser. Cos I figured he needed it a lot more than I did and I wouldn't take money from him, I just wouldn't. Anyone else got any stories like this?

Roger Sully

Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 18, 2009
New Jersey
2 days after Hurricane Sandy I stopped into our local deli. It was one of the few places that, even though they had no power, was open. They were doing cash transactions. In the far back corner of the store is where he had an ice machine and one of the guys would escort the customers to the back with an maglite solitaire....
I had left the house with a 47s Quark AA (along with a few others) As we walked tl the back to get some ice I clicked the quark on and handed it to him. He insisted I take the bag of ice on the house!
I've given a few away since then but that was the one time someone REALLY appreciated it.
Every time i pop into the store I get a hearty welcome.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
^^ AWESOME!!!!

Now once a stranger walked up to me and asked if I had a light. Being a recently bitten by the flashlight bug person I instincively reached in my pocket and handed him a Coast HP1. He said "I'll be right back" and disappeared around a corner of a nearby building, never to return. Does that count?


Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
:laughing: mr fixer

Cool stories, i have given a few away over the years , one(or a couple) was given to a local Chinese take away when they had a power cut. I had nipped in and no lights at all, they had gas so could still work some of the hobs. Told them to tail stand on a lower mode in the best place for them and to use others to navigate etc. The next day i called to see how they were getting on, power back and all good, he went to give me them back. He said his little one loved one of the lights so it got left there for him to play with along with another for the owner. Of course all easy to feed types, alki fuel.................i was easy to feed too with a free beef fried rice:D


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
This is a cool thread.

I used to give away Lux-Pro zoomers at work. I always had one with me while working the night shift. Plenty of times workers would ask to borrow mine.
Well one night I went to Lowes and bought 10. The next few nights I placed some nip in workers cars or foremans pickups.
They probably suspected it was me but we never discussed it. Shortly after I went back to day shift.

Thinking back I believe there are still a couple nip in my work truck.

Another time I mailed a box of goodies to a guy who said he was getting ready to move he and his family to a foreign land with lots of power outages. Cambodia or somewhere like that.

Those are the ones that stick out in my memory.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 28, 2007
i think i did all those types of giveaways. an unknown coworker (i have a suspect) walked off with my streamlight sl-20. the owner of the corner bodega (i guess he's a stranger...he's never there) gives me laptop batteries for pulls so i gave him an eagle eye f30 and an ultrafire charger, even though he never asked for payment. and also during hurricane sandy i gave away some maglites modded with led's to my church with some batteries. they were short on lighting because the emergency generators weren't installed in the church and school yet, just the rectory. oh, yeah. i almost forgot. i had some headlamps and a few coasts in my truck when it was broken into, loaded with eneloop batteries. i assume the burglars put it to good use since it was 4 in the morning, and they left with the stereo, the lights, tools, etc., as well as smashing the window
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