Inexperienced Stupid Knife Question

Sgt. LED

Sep 4, 2007
Chesapeake, Ohio
Women and older folks in general usually don't get into much trouble for self defense.
As it should be IMO, but you or me now that's another story.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 2, 2004
Correct, the threshhold for reasonable violence--especially with a knife--is highest for healthy men between 16 and about 60 years old.

Here's a real life counter example (again from San Diego):

A guy in his 20's enters a bar/restaurant and picks an argument with another similar guy and his wife/girlfriend. He's thrown out by the restaurant staff. He waits in the parking lot and accosts the couple as they leave. There is a fight, starting unarmed, but the solo guy begins losing and pulls a knife and kills the other. He claims self defense. Prosecuted for murder.

Both men are reportedly mixed martial arts practitioners. The "winner" of the fight is heavily tattooed, with a large tattoo of a blue hand on his face. He wasn't seriously injured in the fight. I haven't heard any resolution, so I presume he pled guilty, or it is still working through the system.


Jun 28, 2004
UK (Norfolk)
Yes.... :p

You can just buy one. ( it's just which one is 'the One'?)

I sent you a PM on the Most popular 'one'....or maybee it was two of three :thinking: can't be like the flashlight bug. I can just buy this one and appreciate it, and not feel the need to buy any more, right? Please say yes even if it is a lie. I'll try wearing my :tinfoil:


Jun 28, 2004
UK (Norfolk)
I don't get the no locking knives in England thing. I think that would potentially cause more injuries. I remember fixing some desks in art class in high school with an old Swiss army knife and darn near hacking my index finger off when I pressed down on the screwdriver blade. It bled like crazy, I've still got the scar and a little divot in my finger.

In short it was a case law thing....we used to be able to have a 3" or less locking folder....then one cocky guy went to court and the judge ruled that his 3" locker was a fixed blade...Wrong interpretation of the guidelines behind the legislation...but it set a precident....So now its non lockers unless you have a good higher court or court of apeal will ever go back.


Nov 15, 2004
PDX can't be like the flashlight bug. I can just buy this one and appreciate it, and not feel the need to buy any more, right? Please say yes even if it is a lie. I'll try wearing my :tinfoil:
MuHaHaHa :eeksign: Sorry about your wallet bro.
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Nov 15, 2004
You need to read up on knife sharpening before you start messing around much with the edge. The Sharpener you already bought should keep you in good stead until you're ready to move on. Many good manufacturers will re-sharpen your knife for little to no fee, other than postage both ways. Just call them and ask.


Jun 28, 2004
UK (Norfolk)
The Spyderco Sharpmaker is great for maintaining your edge.

Its certanly not a bad sharpener...but still takes a little bit of skill...or more than that patience...I hate slipping of the end and dulling the tip. It works alot better with clean rods ( have to keep re cleaning if doing a reprofiling job....I have the ultra fine rods aswell that help.

I prefer the Edgepro (Apex though havent used or seen the 'Pro' but id like one....but they are both a bit more spendy...Still worth it if you want all your knives inc kitchen etc to cut like a frickin laser beam :cool:


Newly Enlightened
Sep 3, 2008
El Toro, CA, USA
How long are the knives that you guys always carry in your pockets? I'm trying to think how much I would use it during my day...and if it wears a hole in your pocket. Certainly being outside hiking/camping it would be essential. I'm still thinking about them. It's probably one of those things that once you have it you see more of a value in it. Not sure what model, length is most "practical."
My current EDC includes:
- Boker Trance (slightly less than 3" blade)
- Letherman squirt S4 multi-tool with a 1-3/8" blade
- Photon Micro Light
- iTP C7T

I'm looking for a Spyderco Endura (4" blade) to potentially replace the Boker. Part of the consideration for a pocket knife is something that is thin enough to be comfortable and smooth enough to not wear holes in pockets (but not so smooth I cannot hold on to it :grin2:).

I used to limit myself to things the size of the squirt multi-tool or smaller, but I find the larger knives give me a much better grip and easier deployment for all kinds of everyday tasks (opening mail, opening plastic bags of all kinds of stuff, removing stray threads, ...). Most larger knives are designed to be opened with one hand which I find pretty handy. (Is that a pun? I hope that's a pun. I love puns. :crackup:) I think (hope?) this daily familiarity with a blade on the large side of 'pocketable' may work to my favor in the extremely rare chance I need a defensive weapon (and I do have some training as a peace officer -- a few years ago in a different state).

It's just another tool that should fit your needs. You don't EDC a USL; neither should you EDC a machete. Some cities or states don't like anything over a certain length so you adjust your EDC accordingly. Neither do you try to carry a beautiful custom flashlight with an aggressive strike bezel on an airplane. The tool should be useful and fit your needs, including not getting locked up for being prepared. But you knew that. :)


Feb 13, 2007
I missed this thread until today but just wanted to say that I think it's neat that you're checking out the knife scene Lux. I've been hooked on them since grade school. I used to save my pennies so that I could pick out a knife at the local gun shows as a youngster. During the last 5 years most of my interest has been in lights but I've still managed to pick up a few knives. While I don't always have a light on my person when out of the house during the day I do have a knife. I think that after a while of carrying them you tend to realize how often you have need of one. After a while flicking open a blade and cutting something is a natural as scrapping at something with your finger nail. You hardly even think about it.

I see that you ordered 1 or 2 knives so let us know what you think. I could see you as the type of person who would find a little 2-3" blade very handy and practical. This Spyderco Sage came to mind since I know that you appreciate a certain amount of elegance in your tools. The CF Native is also a striking little knife as well. I once dressed and skined an entire mule deer with a Native and it performed admirably
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Feb 21, 2003
Lux, I just read your first post, and I would have never guessed that you would want to run away from a fight after having read some of your posts, where you have gone one on one with some of our members. Welcome to knives. BTW, are you going to SHOT 2010? If so, there is a world of knives there.



Nov 15, 2004
I missed this thread until today but just wanted to say that I think it's neat that you're checking out the knife scene Lux. I've been hooked on them since grade school. I used to save my pennies so that I could pick out a knife at the local gun shows as a youngster. During the last 5 years most of my interest has been in lights but I've still managed to pick up a few knives. While I don't always have a light on my person when out of the house during the day I do have a knife. I think that after a while of carrying them you tend to realize how often you have need of one. After a while flicking open a blade and cutting something is a natural as scrapping at something with your finger nail. You hardly even think about it.

I see that you ordered 1 or 2 knives so let us know what you think. I could see you as the type of person who would find a little 2-3" blade very handy and practical. This Spyderco Sage came to mind since I know that you appreciate a certain amount of elegance in your tools. The CF Native is also a striking little knife as well. I once dressed and skined an entire mule deer with a Native and it performed admirable.

Both the Sage and the Native are very nice knives you suggested!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 4, 2006
Montreal, Canada
I see that you ordered 1 or 2 knives so let us know what you think. I could see you as the type of person who would find a little 2-3" blade very handy and practical. This Spyderco Sage came to mind since I know that you appreciate a certain amount of elegance in your tools. The CF Native is also a striking little knife as well. I once dressed and skined an entire mule deer with a Native and it performed admirable.

If you like the CF native, look here. ;)


Dec 6, 2005
New York City
By the way if you want to snag one you'd better do it fast... I hear the Native4 (CF) is on the chopping block this year and getting discontinued.


Jun 28, 2004
UK (Norfolk)
Are we talking about the same knife?

Yep all Spyderco's are Ugly IMHO...That may be a slightly better looker than some spydies...but I have been away from collecting for a while now, and it was a bit of a supprise looking at a new spydie I haven seen a pic of before, and true to form, they all still get beaten with the ugly stick when they start life..

Saying that is only a small part of the story though.
The important part is They are realy great Tools!!! probably some of the best out there; function over form and all that...the customer service and the people who own the co. are first class also!!!!!!!!

If I had to recomend a brand ( To lux or anyone new to knives)...for value, variety and quality I would say spyderco.

But I woulden't buy a spyderco on looks/ There are far better lookers out there...

Guess what I have clipped in my pocket right now...thats right a Spyderco
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Feb 13, 2007
Hmm, well I guess to my way of thinking, form often follows function. If you have a form that works good, it often follows that it looks good as well. I wouldn't say that I have an artistic eye but I appreciate artistic machinery whether it's a Ferrari or an Omega watch. I've recognized that early Spyderco designs were a departure from the typical pocket knife but now in an age where everyone is producing their own tactical folders and EDCs they appear completely conventional to me. The Native is perhaps one of the most popular knives in Spyderco's line and except for the blade hole it would almost be indistinguishable from several dozen other similar models from other manufacturers. Obviously looks are subjective but Spyderco has been immensely successful not just with users, but eye candy seekers and collectors as well. In today's factory knife industry I'd be hard pressed to think of the Native as anything but elegantly normative in design. If it's ugly I don't know what would be considered "pretty." :)

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