So long Photobucket


Jul 16, 2012
CPF not providing hosting is fine by me. Many forums offer this and usually ask that the photos pertain to the topic at hand. But every time, for instance a knife forum, you start browsing the galleries only to find photos of a babies 1st birthday party, a seagull on the beach, the new deck someone just built, their car, etc.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Some members photos have had no issues from photobuckets crack down. Seems they are the ones who send a few bucks pb's way via subscriptions.

The hat reference was mwah. I had just watched a Tom Petty video (the tune 'don't come around here no more') and he was wearing a similar hat.

Thinking back he was referencing Alice in Wonderland in that video. lol


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
CPF not providing hosting is fine by me. Many forums offer this and usually ask that the photos pertain to the topic at hand. But every time, for instance a knife forum, you start browsing the galleries only to find photos of a babies 1st birthday party, a seagull on the beach, the new deck someone just built, their car, etc.

Funny... you're right... wedding photos too....
I gotta admit being guilty myself..


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 28, 2013
New Mexico, USA
...they get money from advertising whether a user pays or not.

Are you Assuming that the advertising on CPF generates plenty enough to pay for the use of unlimited posting of pictures by members? I think not, but that information is held by the owner who has no obligation to disclose. Maybe CPF should start charging a monthly fee for CPF user names that insult another member. Couldn't hurt, right?


Oct 19, 2016
I am stating, obviously, that someone has to pay for it. I am also stating that the entity that does not participate in the revenue stream of the usage of the photos needs to have a revenue stream, hence subscriptions for image hosting.

Are you Assuming that the advertising on CPF generates plenty enough to pay for the use of unlimited posting of pictures by members?

Maybe we should have a subscription for people who try to bait other users?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 16, 2007
The Highway to Hell


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I didn't know there were so many photo hosting sites...thanks for the link.


Going back and fixing broken links as I find them has me really cutting back on posting photos, regardless of who hosts them.

I frequented a site not long after Y2k and the owner used to ask participants to please limit the size of their photos. He paid the bills himself. Well at one point he started selling t-shirts to help absorb the cost. I bought at least one of each style and still wear them on occasion (except the one of a kind with a Johnny Cash mug shot on the front and his logo on the back of a baseball sleeved version he traded me for one of my skateboard decks I made back then)..
The large photo posters complained his t-shirts were not to their liking or over priced and continued violating his requests to down size photos. I was using a 0.9mp camera so the only complaint he had about mine was how blurry they Yup, my binocular cam did thumb nail size photos so looking at them on a computer screen left a lot to be desired. Eventually I got an email from the guy saying fare-the-well but the site was no more.

Anyway, when I arrived here it wasn't long before I was a supporter. If only there were CPF t-shirts, hats and stickers available.

Looking at that WikiLink it appears that 50,000,000 people use photo bucket. That's a lot of electricity just to run the servers. I said before, I'd kick a few bucks their way, but not $40/ month or $400/ year... not to post pix in how to threads. If my store used PB then yeah, I can see it. Trouble is lots of eBay and Amazon sellers are using the clouds to host photos, but not helping out the cloud owners defray costs. Not only eBay and Amazon sellers do it, but I do not want to imply CPF is part of the problem.

Nope, it's the store owners, regardless of which entity that ended up forcing PB to pull the gestapo move imo. Now if say... brand X flashlight company is using PB to drum up business here, then they should help defray costs to the host company.

Too many folks these days don't understand a 2 word sentence... free enterprise. There's no free, nor enterprise if one doesn't cooperate with the other. Too many people think 'free' means no cost is involved.

But this thread was started by yours truely to discuss what to do about moving forward after photo bucket put the block on so many photos. Lots of ideas have been discussed, and solutions to the problem have been mentioned. Hopefully that is the direction this thread will remain in... solutions to the issue of all those broken links.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 22, 2004
Pleasanton (Bay Area), CA, USA
Some internet forums actually host the photos themselves rather than forcing this load onto other company's servers. I am not saying that CPF should do this, but I can also see how there are costs associated with hosting tons of photos, and other sites getting the viewer traffic.

It honestly is not that expensive for an individual to have a real web site, domain name, and host your own photos either, or do it as a family. Certainly less than $400 a year.

Got Lumens?

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 12, 2011
Champlain Valley
While I think $400/yr. is highway robbery AND I think it is the lowest of ethics to hold previously uploaded information essentially hostage (as opposed to charging for new material), I also look at it from the standpoint of an independent business and can contrast that to CPF.

While CPF is at some level a hobby site, it is also a commercial site AND is supported by advertising.

Now, CPF does not host images directly. Why is that? Could that be because compared to txt, images are high bandwidth and hence the hosting costs are considerably higher? Wouldn't the simple solution be for CPF to host the images directly?

By forcing the use of an external photo hosting site, CPF is making advertising money, while shifting the cost to a third party who does not participate in that revenue stream. That hardly seems fair to the third party does it? Hence, because these third parties do not get to participate in the revenue stream, they have to start charging.

Obviously the revenue model that PhotoBucket is using is "onerous", but I get why they have to have one.
CPF is not a hosting site. I agree CPF could add an album feature for members for ~$3/month. The problem is those images would then be available to be hotlinked elsewhere and that would allow Non-CPF traffic onto the CPF server causing service delays and interruptions.

CPF is not making any money from not hosting files, they are saving money. Some third party hosts Are getting a fair shake when you open a posted photo in a new window and it takes you to that photo's host site that has it's own advertisers. The advertising directly within the CPF forum and everyone's posted images are two separate things. CPF has not shifted any costs of displaying posted images to any third parties, it is up to the CPF member to provide a host for their posted images. Any fees associated with providing the hosting necessary to post content is solely the responsibility of the poster of the content.

My research theorizes Photobucket's decisions have had very little to do with CPF posts or it's advertisers and are more specifically to do with their own Photobucket users' and how they used their services.

I agree with You they are charging way too much, IMO the're doing the wrong thing, and deliberately causing cyber sabotage across the internet. There actions were abrupt, without adequate notice, and there were many other solutions that were never explored or discussed. Yes You are right, they needed to do something, just not what they did, or how they did it. I support your business argument.

They used to be a "host"ing company. That's what they used to do, serve up photos when they called for across the internet. They have evolved into more of a service company. They seem not as focused in just storing/hosting photos any longer, they want people to store and then order product and services from said photos. File hosting and serving appears to be being downsized(eliminated) in their business plan, and offering You to buy your photos on anything and everything is the direction they have chosen to steer the bus.

My best guesses at some reasons:

Most everyone that used the free hosting service were never a paying customer of one of their other plans or services.
Only the uploader of the files viewed the advertising that supported it, at the time of the upload. Viewed one time, and only one advertiser.
Perhaps hosting requires the most server and customer support time, and was not generating any leads or orders for the new services.

Sadly I believe They chose the dollars of the few over the pennies of the millions in regards to the attrition of "the hosting side" of their business. It feels like a type of social injustice, the methods in which they employed, which likely will resonate in many people's memories for years to come.

I didn't know there were so many photo hosting sites...thanks for the link.
:thumbsup: That was my point. Oh, and they change and update all the time. :)
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Oct 19, 2016
CPF has not shifted any costs of displaying posted images to any third parties, it is up to the CPF member to provide a host for their posted images. Any fees associated with providing the hosting necessary to post content is solely the responsibility of the poster of the content.

If CPF was purely a hobby site, that would be a valid argument. However, CPF is a commercial site. It is targeted at hobbyists, but it is supported by advertising. Your argument is essentially that the only value of this site is to the users, however, that is not the case. The advertisers (and owners of the site) get a financial benefit from people using this site .... just like Facebook does from their users and Google does from their users. The value of this site for users is enhanced with images, but increased traffic due to images provides more value to advertisers and hence the owners. There is nothing wrong or immoral about that, and I am not saying CPF is some how a cash cow, but nothing comes for free. CPF has made a choice, which I think all the members like, of not having any non-related advertising (which would help pay for things). The worth based on web-traffic is probably around $100K, but with the market for flashlights flattening as LED matures, that may be tough to maintain.

Unless you are using someone big like a Facebook or Google, you can probably expect this or something similar will keep happening with hosting sites. Fortunately CPF traffic is pretty unique, so odds are an image is not going to be hot-linked and get a million views.

You can host images on public, social media sites and link. Here is a random image from twitter hot-linked. The title of the post was "Flashlight Fridays". It seemed appropriate.
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peter yetman

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 23, 2014
North Norfolk UK
There is a facility to upload files from your computer to a CPF post.
Unfortunately it shows like this...
View attachment 6268

There must be something in the CPF software to allow this to show inline.
If this were done wouldn't the problem be solved?
After all, we upload our avatars and that works.

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Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
Imgur test..............guess it works! Not anywhere near as user friendly as photobucket for me though. Guess i will get use to it over time. Got the app, just need to spend some time with it.

Got Lumens?

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 12, 2011
Champlain Valley
CPF has not shifted any costs of displaying posted images to any third parties, it is up to the CPF member to provide a host for their posted images. Any fees associated with providing the hosting necessary to post content is solely the responsibility of the poster of the content.
This has been true for many years. Each person 'owns' his or her posted content and the responsibilities of storing any attachments it contains. This statement would remain valid even if CPF were the one doing the hosting of the attachments.

Your argument is essentially that the only value of this site is to the users, however, that is not the case.
There is no argument.
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Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
There is a facility to upload files from your computer to a CPF post.

There must be something in the CPF software to allow this to show inline.
If this were done wouldn't the problem be solved?
After all, we upload our avatars and that works.


Supporters can direct host up to 1mb of photos if I'm not mistaken...IMG_20170912_210320.jpg

You're right Pete, it shows up as a link. But for some reason yours didn't work when I clicked on it (and when I edited this post the link address changed on my pic froma "attachment" like yours to an "img" you now see. Weird.
Anyway, it doesn't take very long for 237 kb photos to reach that 1 mb point, so we use hosts.
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Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
OK then, back to the drawing board. Or in my case the fermenting tank.


At first mine didn't work Pete, so I changed to a different photo and the address changed too... it was "attachment 2670", then when I changed photos it became "attachment 2671", but when I changed some words the actual file name popped up instead.

But note our avatars are like 60x60 pixels or something really small. I'm sure Archi knows the size of the sig photo as he had to reduce his Archimedes graph down to the "allowable" size in order to add it to his sig line.

Btw, when is Ven going to stop violating the Archimedes graph... with that guy it's more lumens per cpf post. lol
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Nov 12, 2010
CONUS, top left
.... But note our avatars are like 60x60 pixels or something really small. I'm sure Archi knows the size of the sig photo as he had to reduce his Archimedes graph down to the "allowable" size in order to add it to his sig line.

Btw, when is Ven going to stop violating the Archimedes graph... with that guy it's more lumens per cpf post. lol

Yep :D ...

Pictures in siglines... There is a limit of one image for siglines. Sigline images cannot exceed 500 pixels wide, 100 pixels high and 20k. This will ensure that the forums load quickly for all users.

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