What did you use your flashlight for today?


Sep 10, 2012
The Netherlands
Left hand flashlight, right hand the 'smasher' :D
And pointing with a flashlight is handier, than with a headlamp ;)

That's your opinion..The advantage of a headlamp is: where you look, there you shine :D
With 2 hands :clap:you can kill flying mosquito's; level 2 :D


Aug 27, 2006
Running for the bus. Swung my work bag/Get Home Bag off of my shoulder to climb on what I thought would be a crowded bus. My pack has a great grab-handle built in that lets it be carried as a large briefcase. What it doesn't have is good elastic on the outer, mesh, side pockets....

My 24 oz. insulated Hydroflask (fantastic water bottle that works very well even in the hottest days of Summer, as far as the insulation goes) went flying out and hit the concrete/asphalt ground. Didn't fly too far. I grabbed it and made it to the bus! Victory!!.... Came at a price. While my Hydroflask (about 2 months old) didn't look too bad, I didn't get a good sense of the damage until I had time to examine it closely at work. Used a light that the company provides for us at the front desk. A multiple LED light that is surprisingly well-made, with a side-switch. And no way at all to access the batteries inside. Metallic light called "BluMaxx." (Yup, never heard of it.)

The light, about the size of a SureFire 6P, revealed absolutely no damage on the inside. But after washing off the outside, I realized that flakes of the insulated coating on the very noticeable dent while not too sharp, could work their way through the mesh pocket. Also, a smaller dent at the base means it's going to wobble any time I put it on a flat surface. The bottle itself is still good though. So I gave it to a family member who has been looking for a decent, tough, bottle to carry water in; in their car. It still works, and had it been made out of aluminum instead of S.S., I'm sure the damage would have been far worse. I simply bought the wrong size.

By the end of the week, I'll have a 21 oz Hydroflask instead. Also, a drop of krazy Glue should help to tighten that elastic side pocket for a better fit. Only recently found out that Hydroflask offers a 21 oz. alternative to their bigger 24 oz. bottles. Plus, 20 oz. vs. 24 oz. is literary a normal mouthful of water. That's it! So, not losing out on much going with a 21 oz. bottle. Those Hydroflasks are tough though.
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Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
The light, about the size of a SureFire 6P, revealed absolutely no damage on the inside. But after washing off the outside, I realized that flakes of the insulated coating on the very noticeable dent while not too sharp, could work their way through the mesh pocket. Also, a smaller dent at the base means it's going to wobble any time I put it on a flat surface. The bottle itself is still good though. So I gave it to a family member who has been looking for a decent, tough, bottle to carry water in; in their car. It still works, and had it been made out of aluminum instead of S.S., I'm sure the damage would have been far worse. I simply bought the wrong size.

I'm glad to hear you didn't lose your light and not realize it until you got back on the bus.

Perhaps a little nail polish (could be clear, or color matched) would stop the flaking. And the bulge on the bottom might be tapped back so that the bottom is flat, or at least not bulging. That is ofcourse if the dent isn't so creased that additional tapping might cause it to split causing it to lose it's vacuum and the insulating properties of the vacuum.


Dec 16, 2013
We were having our dinner and suddenly all the lights went off! Power outage! No worries, my QP2L-X was in my pocket. Grabbed it and ceiling bounced the burst mode. And then there was light....


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 29, 2012
I have a lamp that kills mosquitoes.
It has neon blue.
The light attracts mosquitoes then the fan sucks and gives an electric shock.
The neon is exhausted and no longer any light, the lamp is an economic model and it seems you can not open up to replace the neon.
I solved using a Fenix ​​E01 (with magic tape) light attracts mosquitoes, they are then aspirated and burned.
Thanks Fenix​​! Now I can sleep without mosquitoes :thumbsup:

(Translate with Google translator)



Jun 6, 2011
Eindhoven, the Netherlands
The owner of the building I work in placed lights in the bathrooms which automatically shut off after 5 minutes, so by the time you're about to finish your number 2 business there, you'll be left in pitch black darkness. :mad:
Extremely annoying for most people who work there, but not for me. My Fenix E05 gives me all the light I need at that moment.

I'm currently tipping all coworkers on buying a Fenix E01 or a similar light to avoid unnecessary hurrying or darkness in those bathrooms.

I also used my TK35 UE to check out what creatures stalk my roof at night, running around like crazy. It turned out to be a litter of feral kittens playing around. :)
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May 22, 2010
The Netherlands
Used my Fenix HL10, to check some leakage around the roof-window.
Still need a specialist to check that out. We got a new installed window, but the leakage is still there.


Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
Used my supercharged t10s ,trial run in work...............duracell:candle::wave: efest 14500 :wow: certainly enough juice and more than i need. Used mainly in medium mode(now like high) with a few bursts of high inspecting. Fantastic stuff,just need to see what kind of run time i get over a few days.Spare14500 cell in tool box and will swap and bring home to charge,just rotate like this as i do with the sr51.


Jun 6, 2011
Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Used my TK35 UE on medium to aid the company technician to locate a lockup in a large printer, the battery in his flashlight was dead. ;)

Using a HL10 headlight while looking out for an escaped young black kitten also came in very handy, his eyes lit up even through a quite thick bush. He managed to escape at feeding time late in the evening, but at four weeks he was too young to be even outside at all. This kitten promises to be a challenging and adventurous cat to keep, as he's always on the lookout for mischief and trouble, even at his tender age...
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