What words have you made up ?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 12, 2003
Chino Hills, CA
While talking to someone I meet at BestBuy about HDTV, I found myself calling an HDMI cable a HiDeMI (Pronounced it as "High-Dem-Me") cable. I used to call HDMI "High-Dem" but there was no "multimedia" in my old pronouncation.

I just tried HiDeMuIn (fully standing for High Definition Multimedia Interface) and all I could get Microsoft Sam to say was "High-Dem-Moon"

What words or acronyms have you guys made up?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 18, 2003
Trinidad and Tobago.
I used to go 'riking' a lot not too long ago. It involves a lot of hiking up hills with your bike then riding back down them.

As mountain bikers, deep in the wilderness of our great country, we've discovered a new type of rock. It's called 'buss-*** rock' It's relatively smoothe and always covered with lots of slippery moss. Guess what happens if you ride over them wrong...

Having a runny nose more often than some people eat, I've grown up having a 'nosecloth' with me all the time.
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Jul 25, 2005
When I or someone I am with has had about 6 too many drinks and they or I are extremly intoxicated I call it Fluberknockered (Floo-ber-knock-erd). :drunk:


Aug 12, 2000
Federal Way WA. USA
Buculets \ BUK'u'lets \ (n.)
The bumper guards on the underside of a toliet seat.

Charmadhesion \ sharm'ad'HEE'zhun \ (adv.)
The property of new toliet paper rolls where the "start" is glued to the roll or cannot be found; frequently resulting in charmangulation (see below) of the roll by the frustrated TP user.

Charmangulation \ shar'mang'yoo'LAY'shun \ (v.)
The act of ripping and clawing at a new roll of toliet paper in a vain attempt to find the "start". Usually results in numerous layers of toliet paper being ripped away and wasted before the roll starts to unwind correctly and can be placed in the dispenser.

Flowfright \ FLO'frite \ (n.)
The desperate attempt by a homeowner to talk his or her overflowing toliet into backing down.

Merferator \ MUR'fur'ay'ter \ (n.)
The cardboard core in a toliet tissue roll.

Pottyfright \ POT'ee'frite \ (n.)
In a public restroom, the act of directing your urine onto the side of the bowl instead of in the water because you're afraid someone else in the restroom will hear it.

Seatled \ SEET'uld \ (n.)
The act of being startled by the sound of the toliet seat hitting the bowl too hard.
The effect is exceptionally pronounced when it occurs at night.

Thermalophobia \ thur'muh'lo'FO'be'uh \ (n.)
The fear when showering that someone will sneak in, flush the toliet, and scald you to death.

Tile comet \ tyl KOM'it \ (n.)
Any streamer of toliet paper attached to your heel as you emerge from a public restroom.

Toilaflexion \ toy'lah'FLEK'shun \ (v.)
The unnatural twisting and bending motions made by people as they wipe while still seated on a toliet. Toilaflexion can occasionally result in pulls or strains if performed while standing.

Toilaknobules \ toy'lah'NOB'yools \ (n.)
Those plastic knob-like things that cover the floor bolts on a toliet.
Also a good place to look for Uronium (see below).

Uricide \ YER'eh'side \ (n.)
The act of killing a fly or other insect buzzing around in a toliet or urinal by shooting at it with your urine stream until you manage to hit it, knocking it into the fixture where it can be disposed of by flushing.

Urinator \ YER'en'ay'ter \ (n.)
A urinal that splashes your own pee all over your shoes or pants when you use it.

Uronium \ yer'OH'nee'um \ (n.) (Chemical symbol: Un, atomic number 327)
An odoriferous brown substance that usually exists between the toliet seat hinges and the bowl. Uronium may also appear around the bolts that hold the toliet to the floor. Most people refuse to acknowledge its existence and simply ignore it; choosing instead to mask its unique odor with Glade (tm) Plug-Ins (tm) or Wizard(tm) aerosol (tm).


Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
The_LED_Museum said:
Charmadhesion \ sharm'ad'HEE'zhun \ (adv.)
The property of new toliet paper rolls where the "start" is glued to the roll or cannot be found; frequently resulting in charmangulation (see below) of the roll by the frustrated TP user.

Charmangulation \ shar'mang'yoo'LAY'shun \ (v.)
The act of ripping and clawing at a new roll of toliet paper in a vain attempt to find the "start". Usually results in numerous layers of toliet paper being ripped away and wasted before the roll starts to unwind correctly and can be placed in the dispenser.

:crackup::clap: Oh, those are PERFECT, Craig!

Can I add a related one?

DISPENSERECTOMY: The act of breaking into a T.P. dispenser in a public restroom in order to straighten out the problem described above!


Dec 19, 2005
Not something I made up, can't remeber where I heard it, but a recent thread on how to stop people putting stuff in your wheelie bin reminded me;

Binterloper; someone who puts their rubbish in other peoples bins.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 1, 2006
Townsville, Australia.
Rasa frasin.

I think It evolved from something I used to watch as a kid. It is what sometimes leads up a group of @#*&^% when I have F%#&ed somethign up!


A term for fake wood products.