Zebralight stolen. Please recommmend replacement


Newly Enlightened
Aug 22, 2014
My fishing buddy invited his acquaintance to come over and take home his limit of crappie when we got back to my shop because he was too tired to clean them. He did. He also helped himself to my Zebralight. It was sitting on the workbench when we backed the boat in, and it was gone when I rolled the door down after they both left. How brazen can you get? Only then did my daughter (who is WELL CONNECTED to the gossip in this creek bottom neighborhood) come outside and say, "Dad, watch ________...he's a thief." Yes, it is best served cold. Let him ponder and worry long, but that is not what this post is about.

I just almost ordered another one on the ZebraLight website, but I thought I'd get on here and seek your opinion as to its replacement. I bought it about a year ago. Is there anything new since then that out-performs the 600 or the 602 for around $100? I use it every night, but seldom more than an hour, so battery life is not an issue. I've got three 18650 spares and an Xtar charger, so I guess I'd best stick with that battery. I need a light at least as bright as the H600 Mark II, and I'd like an even brighter one if one is out there. I want it to kick when I turn it on and knock my head back.

Since seeing a cougar quietly sitting behind my next door neighbor's house watching them and their little dogs on their back porch Memorial Day Eve 2013 while moving my water sprinklers at night I no longer go outside after dark without it. I was using a $15 Wal-Mart special that night. Never again. I've seen him one more time a couple of months ago while walking one of my dogs to pee around 3:20am. He was quartering away from me across the fairway from my 8 to my 2 and looking back at me the whole time at about forty yards. The Mark II 600 painted him real good. Both times those jade/turquoise-colored eyes the size of an OFF! can stared me down with contempt and a total lack of fear. I have walked many miles before dawn and after dusk coming and going hunting deep in these Big Thicket woods over the last forty years, always without fear, but even so the cool confidence that he exhibited in his cold stare has now got me fully rattled. He and others have been sighted regularly. This is a confident cat that has been coming into this neighborhood for a long time to hunt the deer that feed on the golf course at night as it is easier to stalk and pursue there than in the thicket, and in doing so he has lost all fear of humans. How many times has he sat and watched me move my sprinklers? Predator status here in Texas, open season year round. I have a young granddaughter who plays in the backyard not 50 yards from either sighting. I need a good light bright enough to freeze him in his tracks so that I can make a good humane shot. What should I buy? Thanks in advance for your help!

Oh yeah...stickyfingers...Jay told him to grab his 25 so he did: He helped himself to the largest 25. I didn't clean a fish over 12 inches. *******.
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Jul 16, 2012
Sorry to hear about it getting stolen. I had an SC52w stolen out of my car right in the driveway one night!

I use my H600w often and couldn't recommend anything else. Personally I would get an exact replacement, unless you want to wait for the Acebeam H10...2000lm!! Not sure when it will be available.

I don't see how that thing will manage 2000lm, and even if it does somehow, it will be for a short enough time to almost make it useless IMO.


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
You might look at the Armytek lights, they are weapon mountable, and either come with a remote switch, or a remote switch is available for many, if not all of their lights. They are designed to take the impacts associated with being weapon mountable.


Mar 25, 2015
If one of my Zebralights was stolen, I'd replace it with... A Zebralight. :)

(Plus, I'd call the police about the thief, if I knew who it was).
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