Best AA Flashlight Under 15 Bucks

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Jan 30, 2009
This is just an opinion thread, not a shoppers guide.

So which AA flashlight would you take for under 15 bucks?

Mini-Maglite? Romisen? Ultrafire? A Garrity from Walmart? A River Rock from Target?

What AA cheapo China light gives the best bang for 10 to 15 bucks?

The answer cannot be "I'd save that 15 bucks and buy a better flashlight." That's just a copout.

Edit: Duplicate cheap light thread closed
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I like my Romisen RC-G2 Q5, though it is a little more than $15, but the P2 version from DX is only $11. I have also bought about 5 of these to give away as presents for family members.

Quite a few like the Fenix E01, even though it is a AAA light, I think it is an appropriate suggestion in this category. I have not yet ordered one, but I hope to remedy that soon.
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