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  • Hi. I have a question regarding a SureFire 2211 Wristlight I would like to sell. Post it in the Flashlights forum or Headlamps? Thanks.
    Hi. I have a question regarding a SureFire 2211 Wristlight I would like to sell. Post it in the Flashlights forum or Headlamps? Thanks.
    Hi. I have a question regarding a SureFire 2211 Wristlight I would like to sell. Post it in the Flashlights forum or Headlamps? Thanks.
    I then was able to call in a chopper and with my Stinger I landed them in a close field where we were able to fly her to a specialist, where she later was released. :) I just wanted to take a few minutes to inform you that I completely believe YOUR donation, saved this young ladies life and for that I want to personally thank you.

    Grant Roberts
    I recently saved a life of a young 23 year old lady, and this would NOT have been possible without the Stinger. Heres the story: I am a local EMT, who volunteers for the county that I live in. I go on an average of 3 calls per week on a completely voluntary basis. Anyway, one evening I had just gotten off work when my pager went off. "RESPOND TO AN UNCONCIOUS 23 YEAR OLD FEMALE WITH HEAD TRAUMA." I hopped into my truck and went in route, only to find a pitch black scene with only one bees wax candle for lighting, (again, a very rural area) I instantly reached for my stinger which is always in my truck with a fresh battery. When I lit the place up I was able to successfully triage this patient. I updated central dispatch, TYPE RED. continued..
    Hey scout24,
    Last year I was privileged to become the lucky owner of the Stinger LED that you graciously donated for the Christmas drawing. I would like to once again thank you for your generosity, and inform you of how many people that you have helped by donating this great light. Continued...
    Hi scout24,
    I was looking through the WTB section and saw a post of someone wanting a modded Titan, but that you possibly had a Titan T1A modded with a High CRI. Would you be interested in selling it? If so, how much would you want? Thanks!
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