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  • So let me know. I am into knives as well or if you have another light in the same price catagory I gave $125.00 plus shipping. It came out to $135 and change. I was wanting to ask a question like this on the forum but I am a rookie on here and do not know how to go about it. I have many knives and flashlights I would like to unload. If one gave me his email address I could send photos of all I want to depart with.
    And it is in HA III in what they call natural. But the natural is very dark because they go the second mile and it is like the better type HA III. I read it but cant say where.
    Bought mine from Bright Guy.
    I have a mint Muyshondt AEON in mint condition. I have only had it a couple of weeks. So whats up you want one? Have something to trade if you do like in the knife catagory?
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