●-●-● Arc LS 17500 ●-●-●


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 26, 2005
●-●-● Arc LS 17500 ●-●-●

I had the Arc LS "Slim AA" and "FATTY AA" hangin' around for a while.
I mostly used them for draining AA-cells from remotes and such.

However, some(read: most) of my Arcs had different circuits in them
that could not run from a single (drained) AA.
Of course I could use a 14500 (AA sized Li-Ion), but unfortunately the
14500 has the same capacity as the R123, which is *only* 750mAh.

So why not try the 17500 ? Same height as AA (5cm) and same width
of R123 (17mm). The result is an AA tube which can now fit 17500
Li-Ion cells with 1100mAh capacity. (AW-cells, they're great !).

Whenever I would like to use regular AA's, I use a shrink-sleeve
to prevent the AA from shifting/rattling.

Here are some pics of the mod... Simple, yet effective.
I just had the tubes bored wider by a very good friend... :)
No more dust for these classic bodies...

Cheers !! :thumbsup:




Ummm... are you running the Li-ions with the stock board? Because if you are, I'm not sure that's such a great idea. According to the Arc FAQ the LS is designed to only take up to 3.4v, recommended no more than 3.2v. And I think that was when the Vfs of the old Lux1s were higher too because it's a boost circuit. Running a 3.7v-4.2v Li-ion on say, a H or I-binned emitter, I think you'll risk frying the board and LED. The super rare LS3 is the only one that I know of that can run higher than 3.4v input because of the really high Vf LuxV.

I'm a bit paranoid about burning out the stock board since replacement boards are so scarce. I'm running a couple of stock circuited LSes on AW's LiFePO4 123 cells that are rated 3.2v nominal because of that.

Here's the relevant section of the Arc FAQ:


Besides working with alkaline and lithium cells, the LS is also designed to work with rechargeable (NiCad and NiMH) cells. In some cases, an accessory power pack will be required to work with a particular size or combination of cells. The circuit will automatically cut off at about 1.4 volts and will protect your NiMH and NiCad from excessive discharge. Because the LS is a high drain device, NiMH will typically provide superior run time compared to alkaline cells. The circuit will operate in a voltage range of about 1.4 to 3.4 volts. We do not recommend you use batteries over about 3.2 volts as this could possibly damage the LED and circuit. Any damage to the flashlight caused by over voltage is not covered under warranty.
However, some(read: most) of my Arcs had different circuits in them........

I mostly run FluPICs on the Li-Ions, but also the stock boards.
I read about the risks, but so far I have had no problems running
Li-Ions so far tho... I know there is a risk, but as long as it runs
fine, I think I'll keep on doing it.

Just last night I did a runtime test on a bumped-up stock board on
a freshly charged Li-Ion. I got bored after an hour, but it was still
kickin' and fairly bright... :grin2:

But I guess that's where I use this icon --->> :devil:
AvroArrow, Bombelman's third sentence is the key here. "However, some(read: most) of my Arcs had different circuits in them
that could not run from a single (drained) AA."

He is talking about circuits that are set up for LiIon's, such as the Flupic. I have one of Bombelman's modded LS's with the flupic circuit, running a Cree P4.


George beat me to it.

You could aways bump the bias of the stock board up to 1 amp to the led and it would handle a LiIon better. vf would jump way up there. The Arc would also be a little toasty too.

You could aways bump the bias of the stock board up to 1 amp to the led and it would handle a LiIon better. vf would jump way up there. The Arc would also be a little toasty too.
These are called Instant Hand Warmers for in the winter... :ohgeez:
However, some(read: most) of my Arcs had different circuits in them
that could not run from a single (drained) AA.

Oh, I thought you meant different stock Arc boards because there were at least 3 different ones (excluding the LS3) that I know of, and only the very first run boards could run off a single AA alkaline/Ni-MH. Oops.

Bullzeyebill said:
You could aways bump the bias of the stock board up to 1 amp to the led and it would handle a LiIon better. vf would jump way up there. The Arc would also be a little toasty too.

I think the limit is 667ma on the stock Arc boards. The other components can't handle anything higher if you want the board to last. And it would be more than a little toasty. :devil:
You suck, G!! :nana:

That's genius! Boring those fatty tubes to fit 17670 was definitely not for the faint of heart.
I did my research before. Digging up the thread I see it's exactly 1 year ago minus 1 day today !!
How time flies while you're having fun !
Re: ?-?-? Arc LS 17500 ?-?-?

I missed out on this the first time round.

Although I'm not familiar with the Arcs this looks a very worthwhile mod' - especially as your 'collectables' still look stock on the outside.:rock:


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