【New Product】XTAR VC4SL Charger

XTAR Light

Apr 26, 2010
Based on many customers' feedback and suggestions, we upgrade the xtar VC4S, and the new VC4SL charger is released!

This VC4SL can charge all popular 3.6/3.7V Li-ion and 1.2V Ni-MH batteries, also protected 21700 batteries. It's designed with USB-C input port, support QC3.0 fast charge, max 3A for a single slot. Besides the intelligent charging, users can also adjust five optional charging currents manually (3A/2A/1A/0.5A/0.25A)...
More info here: https://www.xtar.cc/product/XTAR-VC4SL-Charger-178.html




After searching candlepowerforums for a pertinent thread to discuss the XTAR VC4SL, seems like this one can work.

Note that this is not a review, just some observations.

So far I have only used Apple power adapters and the cord supplied with this charger.

The 12 Watt power adapter will provide 2Amps to one slot only. It seems the 20W and 140 Watt will provide 2A for two slots but this is using an aftermarket adapter that accepts a USB A plug to USB C plug that is inserted into the power adapters.

I have ordered the higher Amperage USB C (plug) to USB C (plug) cord so we'll learn more in the future.

This charger decides maximum amperage but you can choose to lower the power. That choice applies to all slots.

Simultaneous charging NiMH and lithium works fine.


Those are Apple approved AA's purchased on clearance some years ago.

It is possible to charge 3 26650 batteries but not 4 because of slot width. Note the Amps is 1A.


The green tab upper left is how one removes the clear screen protector.

Definitely looking forward to performing a capacity test and have yet to try long term storage mode (stops charging or discharges to rest at 3.6V).

140W Power adapter specs on the unit (limits 5.2V to 3A. Same with 20W adapter)

Kitro or @XTAR Light , Does 21700 protected cells overall length fit (comfortable) in slots?

Looking at Kitro photos appears 26650 protected fit tightly onto slots?

Hopefully, there's enough "free play" once cells loaded can easily pull back springs to unload long cells?

My experiences with excessive strain on light tension springs usually shortens life of the spring.

Already own 2.4/3a (USB-C & A) 60w PD adapter should provide enough current for faster charging than 1a?

Ordered a VC4SL this weekend from Illumn Supply, and should be in my hands early next week..

Now, I'm a little worried about slot lengths..
There is free space for 21700 protected cells. The slot of the VC4SL is around 78mm, and the 21700 protected batteries can fit in the slots.
Yeah those protected Orbtronic 26650's are very close to being 70mm long. No worries on my part about the slot length for 21700's.

I did charge a pair of 10440 in the VC4SL but will likely use our older XTAR that can charge at the lower 250 mAh.
Received the VC4SL yesterday..

First impressions;

The LCD display is tiny and hard to read. Not to mention the directions are ridiculously small, even with 3x magnifying I had hard time reading the smell print (yep this thing stinks!)

The black curr/mode buttons are hard to locate in low light. Manufacturing the buttons a lighter color would be wiser?

The good news is the longer battery slots accommodate all my cells now. And, so far, all slots are charging as expected..

I have to say. I'm not feeling too confident with this charger.. Haven't yet to try the refresh mode. I don't have time to sit and watch over this charger

My opinion, best to use this charger outdoors under patio cover, or in a hotel room, etc..

@XTAR Light,, is the top of line Dragon model charger mfgr'd with same light weight components, ie battery contact levers, springs, plastic case, LCD tiny readout?

Is this what's expected nowadays spending 20 USD?

Guess I can use it for a travel charger. However, I would not trust using this charger inside a home
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Had time this afternoon to charge a few small capacity cells.

Photo: Anker 3.0 PD 65w adapter to 3.0 USB-C cable. With power On and plugged in charger there's nothing, nada, dead as doornail.. However, if USB-C unplugged and replugged. Then the charger will then power up and screen lights up. I tried a couple different cables and 3a chargers, and they all checked out okay.

This new development is only way I can get the charger to work. Glitch, or short in system?

As already said, i don't expect much for the money spent, it is what it is.. This VC4SL will replace the VC2+ I've been using as a travel charger.

Well,,, I was able to fully charge 4ea KP 26650 6000mAh cells. So that's a plus..

Decided better check out charge/discharge/ recharge mode.

Set two fully charged cells in opposite slots. Then changed to mode to "Grd" = Grading mode

Now after 15 mins of flashing "CHG" and not going into discharge cycle, not doing anything, no charge no discharge, no music.. Nothing but flashing

Am I missing a hidden start button?

Wait I'm hearing something... Taps is playing in my head whilst tossing this charger into the garbage can 🥳
Every time power Off, then back On leaves charger dead.

The only way to get VC4SL to function is by removing batteries, AND unplug & replugging USB-C input connection.

Power source and cables have been tested and are not the issue..

Having to go through the said rebooting ritual is an inconvenience and truly a PIA

@XTAR Light, please advise whether the charger received functions as designed or defective?
My original xtar vc4 charger was buggy and a bit frustrating to get working. I want to replace it with something reliable, and it seems like the VC4SL is NOT the replacement I want.
My original xtar vc4 charger was buggy and a bit frustrating to get working. I want to replace it with something reliable, and it seems like the VC4SL is NOT the replacement I want.
The VP4+ "Dragon" is one of the better rated chargers. It also cost about three times as much. I'm not sure on slot lengths, I need 78mm long slots to fit 21700 protected (75mm) cells. So that was my only reason purchasing the cheaper VC4SL
I've never had issues like this with my other Xtar chargers. Glad I didn't invest much $ in this one /-:
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So sorry for any inconvenience you may have experienced with ths VC4SL charger. If it's available, could you kindly contact the store that you bought this chagrer for providing more details? And our colleagues can help you better upon your order.

As for VP4+ "Dragon" charger, we have upgraded with longer slots, can charge protected 21700 batteries. New version VP4L PLUS on aliexpress for your reference: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805568181051.html
Last night I tried the "Grad" capacity test on a long ago defunct battery. It would alternately blink NiMH and Li(?), with no indication of charging.

I put in some kind of Sony VTC something-or-other 18650 and it did start the charging process (started at 3.3V) but did not have enough time to complete the capacity cycle; hopefully this weekend.

We did get the high speed cable but could not get more than 2A charging (~3.75V 26650 and that 3.3V 18650) using an iPhone 13 power adapter. I am ok with max 2A but wanted to try for 3A because it can.

Illumn has been super good about returns but understand if you do not want to fool with it. Sorry about that unit, KG.
Yeah. I don't think I'll mess around returning. Shipping fees alone is half the value of the charger. I can stop by illumn next time traveling through SJ and drop it off.

Once getting the charger running it appears to function okay. Managed 'Grd' 26650 2x for 20hrs.. Although without internal fans keeping things cool the cell discharge cycle takes forever. Started the test at noon and wasn't finish til next day around 9am.

Not sure on accuracy, but the two new KP 26650 6000mAh total (true?) capacity is approximately 5500mAh, not even close to 6000mAh

At end of charge/discharge the readout will display true capacity. Then after final charge display flashes 'donE'

Not knowing true test cap is for KP 5500mAh (older model cells) I'd say with these new 6000mAh, there is no difference.. but idk for sure
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