LED Heat &Cold Sensitivity


Newly Enlightened
May 19, 2009
LED Heat &Cold Sensitivity

What is the sensitivity of LED's to heat and cold? Is it anything like florescent bulbs? Where I live someone put a florescent outside on a staircase with a two minute switch off timer. It lasted about 3 weeks in the cold. Do LED's do better?
Re: LED Heat &Cold Sensitivity

Putting a fluorescent bulb someplace where it gets used often for short periods (timed staircase light for example) is extremely bad for them. They are designed to be switched on long times, not switched on and off constantly. The temperature might have been an issue, but the frequent on-off switching is also a very important cause for the short lifetime of the bulb. A regular incandescent bulb is much better for places like staircases etc.

LED's do not have this problem, and do not have a problem with cold either. If you get a quality LED bulb it will work just fine in that staircase.

And, wrong forum. This of the forum for LED flashlights, fixed lights have their own forum.
Re: LED Heat &Cold Sensitivity

Welcome to CPF, unbuntu.

You've done some interesting things with your typeface/font, lol. It's better and more legible if you use the default one, which is Verdana.

As JBorneu says, this thread needs to be moved to the correct forum, so I'll do that now.
Re: LED Heat &Cold Sensitivity

LED's actually prefer the cold. However, in such a short time application, going with a regular incan may be more cost effective. Fluorescents are definitely not the way to go there.
Re: LED Heat &Cold Sensitivity

I am really interested in outdoor solar garden lights that work on batteries; I just used the staircase as an example of the unexpected problems of light bulbs. I also have a friend who wants to make solar charged street lights. I told her to check carefully whether the bulbs she chooses will work in the high heat and cold of an outdoor application exposed to the natural variations of icy cold and sun or heat.

Thanks for the comments --it sounds like if you leave an LED outside all winter, it will do fine. Will it do as well if you have the same bulb also out in the summer heat produced from sunshine? The bulb itself would in this case operate only at night when it still could be very warm, but obviously not sun-baked.

Yeah, about the type face, I could not get it to print in normal type. It had something to do with switching between language fonts or maybe my firefox browser glitch. I am in China and my assistant was writing in
Chinese before.
Re: LED Heat &Cold Sensitivity

on the other hand, batteries usually don't charge well in temperatures below freezing. It may be a case where the charging gets less efficient at cold temperatures. Different battery types respond differently. Lead-acid batteries seem to do okay in cars, though, so perhaps that is an option.

Steve K.