Newly Enlightened
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I am finding mysellf gravitating from LEDs, with their high efficiencies and "cool" factor, towards useful incans--the well driven ones.
I don't want to start another LED vs. Incan debate, that's irrelavent here, but it seems to me something is wrong with the whole CRI thing.
An LED's CRI is more or less fixed, regardless of drive level, based primarily on the phoshpors used.
But this claim that all Incans have a CRI of 100... You mean my half-dead mini-mag will render colors as accurately as an Aviator? Or even a Sundrop, with a High-CRI LED? Me thinks not.
What Incan lamp, at what drive-level, is being used to set the CRI of 100? Because we know that CCT and CRI are not directly related. And what happens if I overdrive that lamp? Does the CRI go over 100? Is the scale logarithmic?
I'm sure lots of others, like myself, are confused here.
Please discuss! :candle: (My apologies if this is posted elsewhere, but I couldn't find it.)
I am finding mysellf gravitating from LEDs, with their high efficiencies and "cool" factor, towards useful incans--the well driven ones.
I don't want to start another LED vs. Incan debate, that's irrelavent here, but it seems to me something is wrong with the whole CRI thing.
An LED's CRI is more or less fixed, regardless of drive level, based primarily on the phoshpors used.
But this claim that all Incans have a CRI of 100... You mean my half-dead mini-mag will render colors as accurately as an Aviator? Or even a Sundrop, with a High-CRI LED? Me thinks not.
What Incan lamp, at what drive-level, is being used to set the CRI of 100? Because we know that CCT and CRI are not directly related. And what happens if I overdrive that lamp? Does the CRI go over 100? Is the scale logarithmic?
I'm sure lots of others, like myself, are confused here.
Please discuss! :candle: (My apologies if this is posted elsewhere, but I couldn't find it.)