100% Teflon grease


Newly Enlightened
Feb 21, 2009

Link below


Does yet anyone have an experience with this fine lubricant?
This barely available product seems to be rebranded by FINISH LINE, look at their new Extreme Fluoro Grease
Does yet anyone have an experience with this fine lubricant?

I use the product from S&S as shown in the pic.
All I can say is it seems to work better for me than any silicone product.
Silicone grease seems to dry out fast and it sticks ( stiction ).

After lubing 'O' rings, they are smooth. Go back 24 hours later and its stiffer to use and sticks sometimes. Teflon does not do that and apart from the cost , seems to be ideal for our purposes.

I have not tried the Finish Line product but I have used other items sold by them and have been happy.
Lots of CPF's use it under the "Krytox" brand name. Aparently the "100% Teflon" name wasn't sexy enough for consumers to buy 20g for $10+. It's a good product though and hopefully 'Extreme Fluoro" will sell better, if it is in fact the same thing. Maybe they should try the name "Tactical Krytox"?

I use the 100% Teflon as pictured for tricky application because I got some years ago for dirt cheap from Nashbar when they closed it out. The drivetrain (thinner) version did wonders for the piston action of my Nitecore PD swich.

Did you see the test results? Impressive stuff.
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The high price of this lube might be reasonable, if other products are a mixtures of perfluorinated polymers AND hydrocarbons (vaseline, minerail oils, ..) and this one containing perfluorinate polymers (teflon and perfluorinated polyethers) ONLY, as advertised ..