1000+ lumen mag reflectors and focusing/containing light question?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 29, 2008
ive been playing with my mag64 :D,

its amazing BUT!

its beam is a little 'loose' sure it throws a long way and is as bright as a landing airplane, but im wondering?

is there any way (reflector/lens) to COMPLETELY contain and throw all the light in a very organized controlled contained beam?

id love a 'perfect' circle with a diameter of about 4 feet at 20 feet from the wall.

right now its loosely about 10 feet in diameter at 20 feet from the wall with lots of spill/flood .

id love all the light contained completely and thrown in a very uniform/precise way.

currently has borofloat lens, fivemega MOP dual function reflector

im thinking maybe a longer bezel/deeper reflector and a slightly aspheric lens (or some combination?) would make this already incredible flashlight light unreal.

do i just take the reflector out of the husky 2xD and make it fit?


can anything be done to focus all this light?

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Couple ideas...

  1. An FM 2" Deep Reflector will narrow the beam, but I don't know if it will be narrow enough for you. They show up in the B/S/T forum occasionally, and FM has posted that another run is in the works.
  2. You could try one of download's 55mm Lens Bezels and use a lens shroud to mask away the unwanted portion of the beam.
Couple ideas...

  1. An FM 2" Deep Reflector will narrow the beam, but I don't know if it will be narrow enough for you. They show up in the B/S/T forum occasionally, and FM has posted that another run is in the works.
  2. You could try one of download's 55mm Lens Bezels and use a lens shroud to mask away the unwanted portion of the beam.


tha beam shots for that deep reflector dont look great to me :(

long lens bezel is a good idea, specially if its 'shiny' on the inside.

ill keep my eyes open for the bezel, and hold my breath for the right reflector.

if husky can produce a killer hotspot for $25, surely someone out there can do the same for all these custom mags?
Check out one of the 2" deep reflectors, if you get a chance. I really like the beam it produces.
You can do an aspheric Mag85.

Is the 64 an axial filament? If so, then you could do it with the 64, too. The ROP, you won't get good performance from an aspheric because of the orientation of the filament.
My FM 2" deep reflector blew bulbs in my M64 (regulated mag64) as fast as I could change them.... I still don't think it was touching, I'm just convinced there was too much heat down there. So beware with this combo.

FM's 3" wide is good, and his Throwmaster is just amazing :) But I find a standard head with a MOP to be fine for most fieldwork, and easier to pocket as the bigger heads upset the balance of the 2D body.

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