14280 battery charging in VC4


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
Is there any reason I couldn't use a piece of brass or copper wrap it in electrical tape and charge a 14280 on a VC4 charger? I'll monitor it of course. I just have no charger for the battery and I have a few guns needing bore sighted. Can't find a primary anywhere near me
14280 is a small battery. If you can set the charger to use the 100 mA rate, it should be fine. I don't know how the VC4's "intelligent charge rate" feature works but I wouldn't trust it to get it right.
That's what I'm kind of afraid of. If you put 3 other cells in it drops the charge load signifantly. With a craptastic wall wart I could run it with a pretty slow charge. Desperation.
I just checked the manual. If there are no other cells in there and you use the CH2 slot, the minimum is 500 mA, way too much for the cell.
I highly doubt it will even let it try. I was gonna try to use a half amp wall wart and 3 other cells in it but oh well. I'll just keep searching for some primaries.