While tearing apart a module for my T20C2 I was wondering where I might be able to purchase a few of the PCB bases used to cap off the bottom of the modules.
They don't appear to have any chips on them but seem to just have contact points for pos and neg. I tried looking at KD and DX but honestly don't know what they are called to do a proper search. No luck finding anything similar at either of those places.
Hopefully someone sells these as I'd like to have a couple spares in case the original gets screwed up or I decide to go direct drive with the T20C2.
1. What is the proper name for these ?
2. Where can they be purchased ?
They don't appear to have any chips on them but seem to just have contact points for pos and neg. I tried looking at KD and DX but honestly don't know what they are called to do a proper search. No luck finding anything similar at either of those places.
Hopefully someone sells these as I'd like to have a couple spares in case the original gets screwed up or I decide to go direct drive with the T20C2.
1. What is the proper name for these ?
2. Where can they be purchased ?