1AAA Keychain Clicky? Something to replace an A3...


Newly Enlightened
Jan 15, 2010
Hi All,

I lost the head off my EDC itp A3. Is there a reasonable replacement for the A3 in clicky form?

* I really only care about the "high" mode.
* I'd rather not buy two flashlights and mash them together unless it's only like $30 bucks or so.
* Must have a keychain attachment point. This will live on my key ring.



Jul 8, 2010
The Lone Star State
Good luck finding one! :)

The Liteflux LF2XT was a popular AAA clicky around here and continutes to sell well on the secondary market (since they are discontinued) but beyond that I'm just not sure manufacturers out there have any interest in making a AAA clicky.[h=2][/h]


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 10, 2010
El Paso
It's going to be a more than $30 but check out the Foursevens P1. You can replace the pocket clip with the included keychain attachment ring, and you can also purchase a clicky tailcap for it.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 15, 2010
Vermont, USA
For around 11 bucks you can get a Tank007 TK-703. (DX- sku-26988)

This is a well crafted durable 1 mode AAA with tail clicky and good knurling that can happily run on a protected 10440 (such as the DX 30788). The light is a surprisingly good thrower and while some may find it a little long for a keychain it works fine if you attach a small split ring. A 10440 is a little long for this thing so you won't be able to screw the tail cap on all the way but a small o-ring will fit the gap this leaves and make an excellent "cigarette" grip - as shown below with home brew pocket clip. Another similar option is the BlackCat HM-01 also from DX and similar merchants. These type of budget lights have their virtues and their low price makes their purchase an easy decision until the perfect higher end light comes along.

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 13, 2011
+1 for TK-703. It's cheap and reliable enough. Just do yourself a favor and order two or more, just in case if you get stuck with DOA. Also, you'd need to apply lubrication on the threads, as well, because the ones that I got were either bone dry or didn't have much.

LumaPower LM21 should also be considered. It's longer than TK-703, but it has three modes and a more modern emitter.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 6, 2011
+1 for the Tank007 TK-703. I have a few Tank007 TKs and love them.
TK-701 is exactly the same light but a little more floody if that the way you want to head.


Newly Enlightened
Jan 15, 2010
I figured there would be more choices.

How much longer is the tk703 compared to the a3? I've had mixed luck with DX in the past. For $10 it may be worth giving it a shot.

The foursevens p1 looks like a possiblity too. How does the 70 lumens output compare in the real work with the A3?

Thanks for the help everyone, I'm glad to see that there are at least a couple options available that may fit the bill.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 8, 2008
Lm21 (no keychain attatchment), cqg, univex aaa, lf2xt, lumintop tool, preon1 with extra clicky.
I dont think rear clickies are any good on a keychain. 1: They are too big. Way bigger than normal twistys. 2: The ring on the keychain always blocks the clicky switch in some way when you want to push it. So i think a twisty is faster to activate on a keychain since i dont need to dig my way between keychain rings and keys to make room for a finger :)

Since you dont care about high mode, the preon p0 should be perfect. Lo and medium mode where lo is super dim and lasts for days (0,24 and 25 lumens). Got a superwide and even beam with no hotspot. The dqg III is just as small with a 3-60 lumen lo-high mode. It uses a tir optic so you got a more normal beampattern with a hotspot+spill. Imo, smaller is better on a keychain and the preon p0 and dqg tiny is the 2 smallest aaa lights on the marked.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 8, 2008
haha read too fast :)
High modes light are easy. maratac aaa cu with a 10440. You got a really bright useful med mode and silly bright (for the size) high for show off. Copper looks awsome and helps spread the heat from the high mode better. No lo modes at all with a 10440:devil:.

I still think a rear clicky on a keychain is bad. Used my univex aaa on mykeychain for some months. comes on in high, pretty small for a clicky, extra hard to reach the clicky button when on a keyring and will never come on in your pocket.
The preon 1 + clicky comes on in lo and is easy to activate in your pocket, so you end up with locking the head with a twist + click. My lm21 ended up as a gift and i got it back dead.. cqg is small and looked really nice, but died the first time it got dropped to the floor...
The lf2xt was on my keys for some years and worked pretty well. The short travel electronic switch + all the different functions like: Volt meter for battery, instant strobe if i want to annoy someone, momentary press when the light is on will give momentary high as long as you hold the button, auto shut off after 3 min (if it comes on in your pocket you wont drain the battery). Stuff like that made it a joy to play with. It's my best aaa clicky i have tried on my keychain so far, but wont beat a small simple twisty.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 15, 2010
Vermont, USA
I dont think rear clickies are any good on a keychain. 1: They are too big. Way bigger than normal twistys. 2: The ring on the keychain always blocks the clicky switch in some way when you want to push it. So i think a twisty is faster to activate on a keychain since i dont need to dig my way between keychain rings and keys to make room for a finger :)

I would tend to agree with you even though I was offering the TK suggestion in response to the OP's query about a single HI mode AAA with a clicky. I've been through a number of AAA key chain lights and I love the form factor but I finally concluded that they don't work for me on a key chain. Everything I've tried, even the shorter twisties like the ITP are too long when my keys are in the ignition of my vehicle (Toyota Tacoma) as they end up hitting me in the knee when I drive. I switched to a Quark mini CR2 and I love it. The extra width of the light has not been a problem at all and the shortness a big plus. The twisty is very easy to operate and the light has WAY more punch and versatility than a dinky little AAA when I need it. I also keep a 22,000 mcd fauxton on my keyring for smaller tasks, "extra" lighting or runtime.

Having said that, I found that if you get creative with how you mount a .334 inch OD split ring (or two) on the TK or a BlackCat you can get it to work OK on a keyring but now I use mine with the home made pocket clip instead.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 15, 2010
Vermont, USA
How much longer is the tk703 compared to the a3? I've had mixed luck with DX in the past.

The TK-703 is 82mm long vs the ITP A3 EOS at 67mm.

I've been buying from DX for years and had the same mixed luck as most everyone else but whenever I've had a problem they have resolved it.
One time, I bought a P60 drop-in that came with the emitter so far off center it cast a shadow of the reflector. I sent them a photo and they had me send it back and sent out a new one right away from their US warehouse (in Florida) and they even gave me a credit for the return shipping. Other times it's been a painstakingly slow process to deal with a problem but in the end they've taken care of it. Tank007 lights are a well known brand name product and they tend to be more reliable than some other Chinese lights offered by a place like DX. Yeah, it's DX but for 11 bucks it's probably an OK gamble to take in the scheme of things.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 15, 2010
Vermont, USA
Well, I 'spose he could do that but it wouldn't be the one mode tail clicky light he is looking for in this thread. :confused:

He could get both.....that's the usual CPF approach. :rolleyes:
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Newly Enlightened
Jan 15, 2010
Lots of good suggestions. Thanks all.

I may just get another A3. Again the main reason I'm looking at alternatives in a click is that I lost the head off my A3. It's fallen off in my pocket before but this time it's gone. :oops: