1xAA single mode 30-50L for the kids


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 6, 2009
I'm interested in lights that the kids and their friends can use. Small enough for small hands and small pockets. Bright enough to be useful but not blinding. Inexpensive enough that if it's damaged or lost, nobody needs to feel bad about it.

I'm open to any suggestions, but these are the properties I'm thinking about:
- 1xAA
- single mode somewhere around 30 to 50 lumens
- no crenelations or sharp edges
- tailstands
- 4+ hours runtime on alkaline cell
- bonus if it can still light up for a couple lumens on a mostly dead cell

Not sure it meets all your specs but I bought some cheap 1AA lights off ebay in several metallic colors that are single mode about 50 lumens. I paid about $1 each for them I see an Ebay listing for $1.39 now. Not sure of the runtime but seems to run well on depleted cells.
It is made by Skywolfeye and the model number is TLY-320
Brinkmann 809-1095-0 Armor Max LED 1AA Flashlight

home depot has them for about $13. They state 60 lumens.

I bought one a few years ago. A decent little light. IIRC you'll get about an hour with a NiMH battery maybe an hour and a half. You'll get longer run-times with alkalines, but the out put will drop in the first 15 minutes, and continue to decline after that, so you will get a longer time, but with diminished output all the while.
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amazon has a light for $5.99

Lux-pro ps205 tq

its 40 lms, tho it doesnt say if its single mode, im assuming it is being that it only lists one output

1xaa for 10hrs of runtime on a alkaline
I think you will find some single mode lights at Lowe's that might fit the bill, I say might. Some of the single mode lights are for children but have a carrier inside that holds 3 AAA batteries.
The skywolfeye tly-320, -326, and -327 all look like good options. I'm not particularly good at searching Ebay, but I've set up a saved search and may purchase a handful if a listing pops up that doesn't look too sketchy.

The Brinkmann 809-1095-0 Armor Max LED 1AA looks identical to a Defiant flashlight I purchased several years ago. I happen to like the light quite a bit and use it as a beater around the house. Good to know it's still available.

I bet my daughter would like the Lux-pro ps205 tq. She likes sparkly things.

Thank you all for your suggestions! And if you think of any others, please let me know!
