1xAAA lights with low-med-high UI?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 6, 2002
Bellingham, WA
I bought one of the 4Sevens Preon kits, mostly for the 1xAAA Preon 1 light as an EDC. While I think it's a great light, and I like the UI, I'm finding it isn't a perfect fit for my needs.

I have to admit that I was so focused on the Preon that I haven't kept up on other 1xAAA lights. Can you guys help enlighten me on other options?

I'm looking for a 1xAAA light with more knurling for grip than the Preon has (which is zero). I really like the low-med-high UI. Anything brighter than 20 or 30 lumens in any mode is just a bonus since I usually don't need even that much. I'd like it to run for at least 10 hours in at least one of the modes (for emergency use). It needs to be able to attach to a key ring. I'd like it to be of good - I'm willing to pay extra for reliability.

I really like the look of the Quark Mini AA, but I think it's still too big in diameter for me to EDC. I'm really looking for what could have been a Quark Mini AAA.

Anyone know of my perfect light?
OH for the love of the gods I need of these ordered tonight unless someone else posts one I want even more today :ohgeez:
Take a look at one Maratac AAA (@countycomm.com)
It has the most grippier knurling and the smallest AAA size. The UI is M, L, H.
Runtime is excelent...
Thanks for the input so far!

The Illuminati looks great - just about perfect. It is a bit spendy, I imagine because it's made out of Ti. I don't suppose they make a slightly less expensive one out of Al...

The Maratac AAA is also very intriguing. Like the Preon 1, the keyring attachment point sticks out from the light, which I'm not as fond of, but at $22 I not sure I can argue with that.

I like that the clips are reversible on both of those so you can clip them to a hat - I'm not sure I'd use it that way, but still a really nice feature!

Any other suggestions?
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Thanks for the input so far!

The Alumina-Ti looks great - just about perfect. It is a bit spendy, I imagine because it's made out of Ti. I don't suppose they make a slightly less expensive one out of Al...

The Maratac AAA is also very intriguing. Like the Preon 1, the keyring attachment point sticks out from the light, which I'm not as fond of, but at $22 I not sure I can argue with that.

I like that the clips are reversible on both of those so you can clip them to a hat - I'm not sure I'd use it that way, but still a really nice feature!

Any other suggestions?

Maratac will not suit you as it runs m-l-h and you want it the way I would prefer which is l-m-h,the Itp A3 EOS is like the Maratac with that odd way round of doing things, bit like starting off in 3rd gear then down the box to 1st then up to 5th.
I'm not terribly familiar with them, but it might be worth looking at LiteFlux. The "2" series should be the AAA lights, and I believe the full name varies between twisty/clicky/etc. models. There are some sales threads on the Marketplace in the Dealers section which might contain some useful info. Not cheap either, but they look like good lights. The UI is very flexible but you might find it to just have too many options. Regardless, they are worth a look. I'm partial to the appearance of the LF2XT (a clicky).
Battery Junction has announced an Al version for the Illuminati soon. If you don't mind to wait... In the meantime I'd go for the Maratac (it does really worth the price in any of its versions)
Where is the cheapest place to order the Illuminati or the Maratac?

Shipping could be a deciding factor.
Battery Junction has announced an Al version for the Illuminati soon. If you don't mind to wait... In the meantime I'd go for the Maratac (it does really worth the price in any of its versions)

The op wants l-m-h, you are sending him the route of m-l-h, I also want to buy with l-m-h.
Maratac will not suit you as it runs m-l-h and you want it the way I would prefer which is l-m-h,the Itp A3 EOS is like the Maratac with that odd way round of doing things, bit like starting off in 3rd gear then down the box to 1st then up to 5th.

I don't think M-L-H is an odd way to run modes in a keychain light. In fact most of the people will use Mid first 90% of the time. I don't believe the topic "to preserv night vision" as if this light was intended to go hunting or camping or any other similar activity. Most frequent situations in normal life are those where you are in a well lit place and pass through other not illuminated. Your eyes are not adapted to night vision so you need a reasonable amount of light. If you are going to use it as a side bed light I agree a L-M-H would be better... but that's a special case. Anyway, that's only my point of view.

I second your choice to go with this UI. To be fair having medium first is not a big deal, but I definitely prefer having low first, having had both UI's now
If you're adventurous try the LF2XT. Set it up any way you want it. Low first, high first, one mode, five modes, any level. Beware, it will spoil you.

The op wants l-m-h, you are sending him the route of m-l-h, I also want to buy with l-m-h.

Odd they tried to steer the OP to the M-L-H UI isn't it? The OP specifies as the major requirement is the light needs to be L-M-H. I have a Maratac and it is a nice light and the only thing I do not like is the weird M-L-H UI
Odd they tried to steer the OP to the M-L-H UI isn't it? The OP specifies as the major requirement is the light needs to be L-M-H. I have a Maratac and it is a nice light and the only thing I do not like is the weird M-L-H UI

100% with you, I have the ITP A3 Eos and brill light but hate the way it goes M-l-H, think I will get the Liteflux like another op suggests.
Wee guys, I'm not trying nothing but to help. There's no other intention. I think the OP can read what I stated about the Maratac UI and may take his own conclussions. Information doesn't hurt, IMO. You can take or disregard as many suggestions as you want. Even can change you mind.
From his words about the preon seems to prefer a better knurling, wich is an outstanding point in Maratac. I'm almost sure if he'd check a mini AA would find out a great flashligh. Sometimes op ask for info beacause thyve an incipient idea and the different post make him changing her mind.