2007 Surefire Cataloge!


Dec 3, 2006
I just recieved a 2007 Surefire Cataloge. I have been requesting a 2006 cataloge for about 6 months and it never came. Well now I've got a 07 cataloge. If I get time I might post a pdf of it. (Is it legal to do this?) Anyway just lettingk you all know.
Yeah it is legal to post it because the catalogue was free..........

Anyhow, I got my 06 about a month ago....damn I should of waited.
Bill97z said:
Yeah it is legal to post it because the catalogue was free..........

Anyhow, I got my 06 about a month ago....damn I should of waited.

Just because something is free doesn't mean it's legal to copy or redistribute it. It's still a copyright violation.
If you received a 2006 catalog, wouldn't they send you a 2007 catalog automatically, or do you have to request it again?
Actually, they don't mention "Cree" at all. They refer to it as a new higher performance LEDs. I am sure you know that the four lights that will have it are the E1L, E2L, L1, and L5. The E1L will be 30lm for 17 hours total runtime. The E2L will be 45lm for 18 hours total runtime. The L1 will be 65lm high, 10lm low, for 1.5 and 16 hours total runtime. The L5 will be 120lm for 4.5 hours of total runtime. All of the runtimes are refered to as "Maximum runtime for usefull light levels."
Since catalogues are given free, I see no wrong in putting it in pdf format for others to view. Its using the information within for other purposes and modifying it without consent is wrong....IMHO
Cataloges are used to sell products. I cannot imagine Surefire being upset at however this would be distributed as it is likely to sell lights.

cslinger said:
Cataloges are used to sell products. I cannot imagine Surefire being upset at however this would be distributed as it is likely to sell lights.


Yeah I second that!!:rock:
Well make sure you clear it with the site admin first. Don't want to do anything to step on their toes. I just posted my opinion.

Most of the product photos in the 2007 Illumination Tools catalog are taken by Shelby Chan. The background photos are mostly from caving trips by Willie Hunt and Derek McDonald (both of SureFire). I think it is the best catalog ever. Same goes for the Tactical Products catalog too.

Note that information on new products (not yet released) could change as SureFire prepare the products for production and run tests on production samples etc.
Actually, there may be a reason that they haven't posted the catalog. Perhaps they aren't yet ready to meet the demand for their new products and have therefore put their 07 catalog out in a limited distribution until they have production ramped up...

Might be other reasons, like their website guy is on vacation... who knows.

But, the point is that it's copyrighted material and unless someone has permission to post it, it's a violation of their copyright. Having the *right* to *copy* is copyright, get it?

By definition, distribution without authorization is copyright violation.

That all being said, I'll take point and ask Surefire. If I have permission I'll post the official surefire pdfs of the consumer and tactical catalogs until they have them up on their site.
Size15's said:
Most of the product photos in the 2007 Illumination Tools catalog are taken by Shelby Chan. The background photos are mostly from caving trips by Willie Hunt and Derek McDonald (both of SureFire). I think it is the best catalog ever. Same goes for the Tactical Products catalog too.

Note that information on new products (not yet released) could change as SureFire prepare the products for production and run tests on production samples etc.

So do you think it is allright for me to post the cataloge?
I don't see why not. They are sending the print catalogs out as is and they are not going to change them.
FWIW, I agree that in principle it should be okay to redistribute otherwise free information. However, if you want to get technical, or CYA, copyright law does not permit redisrtibution of copyrighted content without the express permission of the holder of the copyright. I've had this situation come up before with free, but copyrighted information.

Secondly, FWIW, I can't wait to see the catalog myself! :D

PS - I'm not judging anyone or calling anyone a cheat or a lawbreaker or anything, only relating my experience.