225 Lumens of BUSTED!!!!


Mar 19, 2008
I was outside in our side yard with our dog, trying to get him to do his nightly duty, when I hear some loud kids walking down the street. I grab my Jet-III M from my FL pocket, give the head a quick twist to make sure it is on high[it was].

I am watching the punks walk down the street right in front of our house. Then I see one of them head towards our front yard and bend over. As I raise my flashlight to see what is going on, I see one of the solar LED landscaping lights from my wife's flower bed start to rise. I hit the punk in the face full force with the Jet-III's beam and ask him if I can help him. He instantly straightens up and his arms raise up in the surrender position. I tell him to put the *^&$#*@ light back. At this point his friends start yelling at him to do as I say. He puts the light back and starts to apologize saying that he is drunk. I tell him to get the *^&#$@ out of here and keep going. he wisely follows after his friends.

The deer in the headlights look when the light hit him was priceless. lovecpf
I was outside in our side yard with our dog, trying to get him to do his nightly duty, when I hear some loud kids walking down the street. I grab my Jet-III M from my FL pocket, give the head a quick twist to make sure it is on high[it was].

I am watching the punks walk down the street right in front of our house. Then I see one of them head towards our front yard and bend over. As I raise my flashlight to see what is going on, I see one of the solar LED landscaping lights from my wife's flower bed start to rise. I hit the punk in the face full force with the Jet-III's beam and ask him if I can help him. He instantly straightens up and his arms raise up in the surrender position. I tell him to put the *^&$#*@ light back. At this point his friends start yelling at him to do as I say. He puts the light back and starts to apologize saying that he is drunk. I tell him to get the *^&#$@ out of here and keep going. he wisely follows after his friends.

The deer in the headlights look when the light hit him was priceless. lovecpf

F**kin' A.
nice work. glad you kept your cool, i probably would have threatened to shoot him if he came back on my property.
no way he could have known if it was or was not a weapon mounted light,

$5 sais the 'punk' will be doing laundry ;)
He puts the light back and starts to apologize saying that he is drunk.

People who are that drunk enough to steal without realizing it typically can't walk straight, let alone carry a light fixture. :ohgeez:

That was an excellent story though, glad you caught the little *******.

Time to go over to the incandescent forums and learn how to build a hotwire Mag w/64458S for 10k+ lumens with an aspheric lens to scare the living daylights out of the little twits when they (inevitably) try that again? :devil:
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First off you do not put an aspheric with an incan. Second, I see no reason to bring race into this. Please edit your post.
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If it happens again, just let your dog loose. Getting chased off by an angry dog will keep them away longer than a couple hundred lumens blinding them for a second. What you did was like a slap on the wrist. They might come back.
Good job Brigadier!

On the aspheric + incan discussion, an aspheric will only capture something like 1/6 of the light (or less), and I've only ever seen one case where it worked well (here). All other attempts I've seen have met with dismal failure, and I'm curious to know if I'm missing something as well.
Good job Brigadier!

On the aspheric + incan discussion, an aspheric will only capture something like 1/6 of the light (or less), and I've only ever seen one case where it worked well (here). All other attempts I've seen have met with dismal failure, and I'm curious to know if I'm missing something as well.
And I don't see any of those lenses suggested being aspheric so for now my post stands.:D
Popsiclestix your racial post has been edited by myself as well as the related quotes from other members. We welcome people here of every race and religion and as a whole we get along well.

I am not sure what your intention was however your post could easily bring drama to this forum even if it were not your intention. Tone down your language in general and feel free to enjoy the forums further. Any further out of line or racial comments will be handled with zero tolerance and you will be banned.

I do hope you can understand our position on this issue and consider your only warning.
If it happens again, just let your dog loose. Getting chased off by an angry dog will keep them away longer than a couple hundred lumens blinding them for a second. What you did was like a slap on the wrist. They might come back.

LOL. My dog would have just stood there and peed himself.:ohgeez:
I have had similar problems with little craps, and if you bark stern, no nonsense orders with a loud DI type tone, and a bright light, SF M6, in my case they take off quick.

The freaks here may have dope, or meth on them, and want no part of the police being called. Plus, we live in a private country club, and we, the members, own the streets. So they are automatically trespassing in here.

It is not like a normal neighborhood where they are free to walk down any street. In my Hood, I really do own the street. My street is really mine.

I am tired of these worthless people coming in here to steal whatever they can, and making my wife, daughter and other neighbors worry and scared.

I Don't mean to sound like a snob, because I am not, however, my wife and I worked very hard to afford some luxuries in life, and it is just something that is very upsetting that others are allowed to ruin it. I need to give thanks Surefire, and my Uncle, a USMA West Point Graduate, Lt. Col. US Army Ranger, Airborne, Green Beret, SOG, KIA in Vietnam in April 1967, for the training and courage he taught me to be a man and stand up for myself.

End of Rant...
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