24 the series


Oct 15, 2003
Washington(the state)
I only started watching at the beginning of this season and I'm getting a little confused. At the beginning of each episode they show a recap of the prior show. Seems like a lot of action shown as happening "previously" wasnt in the last episode. At first I thought I was only recording every other show but I know thats not the case. Somebody please enlighten me! :hairpull::hairpull::hairpull::hairpull::hairpull:
powernoodle said:
A week or 2 ago, they had 2 episodes on one night. Maybe you taped the first one and missed the second.


:wtf: I did a little searching and found an episode guide. It appears they have done exactly that twice already this year
Double episode again on may 21. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
They did it last year like that as well. I am not sure how many weeks are in a typical "season" of any show, on any channel but apparent 24 weeks is too many. Close to half a year, no season of anything ever goes that long.
