25% off all Pens/Pencils at Staples this week

Omega Man

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 15, 2005
East Coast
I went in to buy a Fisher Bullet, and MAN am I glad I did. They're taking 25% off all pen purchases and I got a Chrome Bullet with clip for $13.34.:sold::rock:
For that price I should go back for another. I'm also going to bump the "EDC Pen" thread with this.

edit: if this is in the wrong forum(could be in Cafe?), I apologise.
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Omega Man said:
I went in to buy a Fisher Bullet, and MAN am I glad I did. They're taking 25% off all pen purchases and I got a Chrome Bullet with clip for $13.34.:sold::rock:
For that price I should go back for another. I'm also going to bump the "EDC Pen" thread with this.

Love my Fisher black bullet pen. Carry it in my Mission wallet every day.

I called my nearest Staples, Tualatin, Oregon and was told the 25% off was a misprint of advertising and that the pens and pencils were not on sale. There goes my vision of a new chrome bullet pen...

Thank you kindly for the heads up.

All the best,

Ah, mine has sales stickers every 4' of the pen aisle, and it's on the cover of the weekly ad. Sorry to get your hopes up, you should go there and demand the discount. They go through the trouble of making 20 foot overhead signs guarrenteeing a 110% price match, and satisfaction, they damn well better honor a misprint!!