thermal guy
I just bought an energizer charger to charge my 2500mAH batteries.Can i charge Duracell 2650 in it or will it not work.
No, it won't work. Due to the competitive situation between Energizer and Duracell, Energizer chargers have a special circuit built in to them. If they detect that Duracell batteries have been inserted they shut down and refuse to charge.I just bought an energizer charger to charge my 2500mAH batteries.Can i charge Duracell 2650 in it or will it not work.
No, it won't work. Due to the competitive situation between Energizer and Duracell, Energizer chargers have a special circuit built in to them. If they detect that Duracell batteries have been inserted they shut down and refuse to charge.
No, it won't work. Due to the competitive situation between Energizer and Duracell, Energizer chargers have a special circuit built in to them. If they detect that Duracell batteries have been inserted they shut down and refuse to charge.