Since the area varies with the square of the diameter, a 26500 has an area of 531 while the 18650 is at 254. A 26650 would have over twice the volume.
Mike, I'll admit I hadn't actually done the math, so you're right. I think you neglected to figure in the difference in length however. Still, a 26500 is a bit more than half again the volume of an 18650.
If you take into consideration the more rapid advancement of 18650 cells, as I mentioned, that takes a bit more away from the 26500, but you're right, there is a bigger difference as far as volume than I thought, when I originally posted.
I seldom have anything to add after your posts, but is it possible that you meant "higher resistance"? For a given chemistry, the only way to increase capacity in a fixed volume is to increase electrode thickness and decrease electrode surface area, both of which increase internal resistance.
I'm with ya, BG. Jason accurately described what I was getting at in the above post. "Size matters", for the most part anyway.
Otherwise, I agree with everything else you said (as usual...except when we dual about "memory" effect
Well, we gotta disagree on something. Otherwise we'd become too complacent!
I've been swamped here lately and not tuning into the Forum much. On top of everything else, my Dad passed away about a week ago. He was 96. That's the 5th close relative to do so in just over two years. My only Aunt and Uncle, my Mom, my oldest brother, and now my Dad.
My cousin, my remaining brother, and myself, are the last ones in our generation left. We're dropping like flies! Anyway, I've been spending a lot of my spare time lately, reflecting rather than "foruming", and haven't been checking in much. It'll pass. It's just that I've had a lot of reminders lately, that I will too!