26650/26700 is the standard power-tool size, and also used in EVs. 26500/25500 are C-size, which can be convenient for fitting them in some flashlights, but of course that's not an issue for power tools.
There are 3 main chemistry families in use. These are all Li-ion: LiCo, LiFe, LiMn. Not relevant to this thread, but "LiPoly" are LiCo with a polymer-based electrolyte rather than the conventional solvent.
LiCo (best capacity, but lower current and potentially explosive) is readily available in cheap offbrand 25500/26500 (and I use some of these), but I don't know of any current sources for seriously reputable ones. (AW used to make these, although his were about 5mm longer than C due to PCB and button top, I think.) Not available at all in 26650, AFAIK.
Both LiMn (generally LiCo compatible, slight capacity disadvantage) and LiFe (lower voltage and about half capacity) are widely available in 26650/26700 size. AW's IMR cells are LiMn, including the 26500. Don't know of any LiFe 26500s, but they may be out there...
As to what fits in a Mag, I'm using 3xIMR26700 in a 3D Mag; the trick is to remove the tailcap spring, deanodize the inside of the tailcap (sand it, or use lye to dissolve the anodizing), and install a smaller (or cut down) spring down inside the "spare bulb" region as appropriate to your battery pack. (Of course, you now need to carry your spare bulb, if any, elsewhere.)