2AA holster with clip?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 9, 2007
California, Los Angeles
Anyone knows where I get a holster for a 2AA (Eagletac P100A2) with metal clip on the back? Most of the ones I checked comes with a "loop" for the belt. I don't wear belt, so I need it to have a clip. Any idea?

I am hoping it will be "DX" price.
Google Ripoffs holster. I don't think it's 'DX' prices but quality is excellent. Most of my lights are housed in one.

I saw a few of them on fleebay and brightguy, but it's quite expensive. I think it was ~$15-18 right? I'll try fleebay and see if they offer used ones. I don't care if they are used... as long as it good and does the job.