2c mag mod led/driver opinions wanted

Tim Carleton

Newly Enlightened
Jul 30, 2008
San Antonio
Hi, I'm looking for your opinions, I'd like to make one or more of these, I'm making my own heatsinks, and I'm considering either an r2 or k2 setup or something else if you have an idea. The limiting factor as i see it at this point is that I want to keep standard batteries, either alks or nimh and that keeps the driver choices down. I've done a p4 version of this and it's quite a thrower, but it's probably not one of the brighter p4's. I'm using dx's .9-4.5v 1000ma driver in that one. I am trying to keep the led smaller as that is what lets the mags throw well as in better focusability. Thanks in advance, Tim.
Plenty of 1.5 to 4 or 4.5 volt drivers . :thinking:

If your making custom heatsinks , sku.15943 ....
You may even want to try , sku.12721
Or sku.16145

Just check out the DIY , @ DealExtreme.com or KaiDomain.com
Thanks for the quick reply, that r2 is one i'm looking at, i'd like it more if it wasn't on a star, the p7 isn't in the sweet spot for the battery setup i'm trying to use.... i guess i need to read more on the mce's.
Just to warn you - Have you seen the output with a Cree XRE LED in a Mag with the STD reflector? It's not as nice as the smooth SSC P4 LED output, it's all rings.

How about trying an Osram golden Dragon LED?

As for drivers, take you pick from DX or KD, but don't forget there are others out there. The sandwich shop have a few boost drivers, and there's alawys the old Micropuck SHO.

Let us know what you make.
ok so the negative on crees is the ringing...... I'm wanting to stay 1000ma to 1500ma, so those drivers smaller than that aren't on my list. How does the k2 stack up against a golden dragon? Lastly, is there a 2.4-3 volt input driver that will give me the output I'm wanting?
.... I'm wanting to stay 1000ma to 1500ma............... is there a 2.4-3 volt input driver that will give me the output I'm wanting?

Short answer - Nope

The best there was has gone, that was task VIP driver, but it is no longer made.

There has been many threads on here about this topic.

A two cell driver with 1000 ma output is like the holy grail now, good luck looking for it.

I've used a Osram golden dragon in a small 1AA torch at approx 700mA on high, nice smooth beam, but the bin I got was a little blue.
I've not tried any of the new K2's yet.
Not sure how adaptable it is, but, the Task Force and the Pro. Choice from Advance Auto both run off two C's and put out 1000mA. Can't remember the diameter. I swapped a Q5 into it and made a hell of a thrower
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Thanks for the replies, I guess that's what i needed to hear. I hope the mfgr's are tooling up for more boost drivers. I've been using netkidz and stefan's parallel driver setup on my p7's and sure wish there were something available similar in that voltage range available. maybe a 350 driver and a 500 with .9-4.5v input? Thanks again for the replies... I'm patient. :)