2C Mag with two 18650's questions


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2003
Atlanta, GA
This has been asked 1000 times before. Sorry. I recently got in the 18650 thanks to my Pila GL2. I love it. Now from what i read few years back I remember 2x18650 can be used in a Mag 2C. What kind of modifications are needed? Is the length is going to fit perfectly? A hose to fill the gap? What else?

Thanks much
The length is the issue... it's a tight fit, so much that you'll have to work the tailcap; remove the spring, drill a hole in the anodizing and somehow connect it to make contact with the end of the cell.
I did it by screwing a little spring I salvaged somewhere else down there, I've heard of other ways to do it though...
You will need to remove the original tail spring, remove the anodising from inside the tail cap and use a bent key ring or similar as a spring. You already mentioned a spacer, plastic conduit works well too. This is a great mod in my opinion use a WA 1111 in a Kiu bi pin socket, aluminium reflector, glass lens and you'll have a very bright compact light. You already mentioned a space, plastic conduit works well too.
PS I need to type faster there was no answer here when I started but the chicken beat me. :eek:
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The Mag ring was more for protected 18650s which measure a little longer than 65mm.

As for the spring issue, the spring from a Minimag works well. Deanodizing can be done mechanically with 100 grit sandpaper. A Dremel does it faster though. Or it can be done chemically with Lye. Red Devil brand lye has been mentioned in other threads, but Easy Off oven cleaner does well also.
Ill guess Ill give it a try. Ive seen the 2C on sale at Target I believe. Ill give it a try. I cant really imagine what deanodizing will do, I mean picture it, but I will have to buy the thing and look at the cap to figure it out. Let you know if I have any more questions :) Thanks guys.


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