2D Maglite+2X26650 What's the brightest available PR based Bulb?


May 1, 2018
I'm looking for a PR based bulb for my 2D Maglite. I don't own a Bi-pin adapter, hence why I'm looking for something PR based. I do have a glass lens installed, and have a metal reflector on the way.

I'll be using 2 Vapcell INR26650 cells, and with their 20A rating, will handle pretty much anything.

My requirements are:

Absolute brightest AND whitest possible without destroying the stock switch
Runtime is of NO concern
Bulb life is of NO concern (within reason, I consider reason to be at least 10HRS life)
No other modifications or parts needed, just using what I own
Bulb must actually be available to purchase

That's one of the issues too. I've been reading older threads and some of the bulbs I've seen suggested seem difficult to find in stock. Also worth mentioning that it will just me used for quick bursts, no extended runs.

I look forward to your suggestions.
...without destroying the stock switch...
Nice catch - I'm very interested in the results the community brings you but as my mind filled with the idea of 20A 7.4v bulbs (I don't think they exist :) ) I forgot about the switch's amperage limitations...
Pelican 3853
Pelican 3854 is brighter but harder to find.
When you own a G4 socket, your choice will be much more such as Philips 5761, GE 6V, 20W, GE 6V, 10W and...

Thanks Fivemega. So it looks like the ROP route, might be hard to find a bulb like you say.

I guess a G4 socket is going to have to be in order then. With the G4 socket, what bulb would be absolute brightest without destroying the stock switch?
So it looks like the ROP route, might be hard to find a bulb like you say.

Yes but 3853 is available here.
Brightest but touchy G4 bulb for your application is 5761
M*g switch is designed for 0.9 Amp bulbs and obviously can take much more current at reduced life. Some people even go for 10 Amps.
We flashaholics don't use our custom flashlights 2~3 hours a day like plumbers, carpenters and....
So if your plan is to use your flashlight that often and long, then expect reduced switch life.
Yes but 3853 is available here.
Brightest but touchy G4 bulb for your application is 5761
M*g switch is designed for 0.9 Amp bulbs and obviously can take much more current at reduced life. Some people even go for 10 Amps.
We flashaholics don't use our custom flashlights 2~3 hours a day like plumbers, carpenters and....
So if your plan is to use your flashlight that often and long, then expect reduced switch life.

Wow, this thread really has been good for me - I was not aware about the reduced switch life when running "reasonable" 2A bulbs.

Thank you both!
The 3853 bulb looks good. I'm thinking to achieve the kind of brightness I'm looking for, it seems I'm going to have to get one of these G4 sockets.

My questions have been anwsered. Thank you.