3 x 18650 in series "solved"


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2007

3 x 18650 in series using a carrier; 2 positives up & 1 down = 12V correct?

slight brain fade this morning:whistle:
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Re: 3 x 18650 in series

No, need 4S with LFP like A123 to get a solid 12V nominal range (12-14 actual)

Other LI chemistries at 3.6-3.7V midpoint, can do 24V OK with 7S, but 3S is too low and 4S is too high for supporting general loads.

Can be made to work for a specific tolerant load device, depending on their input specs or using a DC-DC converter though.

Use 3.65V for calculation, actual range 3.2-4.1V
Re: 3 x 18650 in series


I was using 12V as a general voltage of 4V 'off charger' for each 18650 (I know it'll be closer to 12.6v)

...another way to word would be: do I get triple the voltage w/ 2 positives up & 1 positive down in a cylindrical carrier.
Re: 3 x 18650 in series



It is triple the voltage
Yes, series increases voltage, parallel keeps it the same.

Former keeps Ah capacity the same, latter increases it.

Just know that usually "12V" means a midpoint at least that high, many load devices will cut out before 11V.

You should not charge LI cells past 4.1V if you want good longevity, and even at over 90% SoC, under load most will be well below 3.7V.

3.65V is a normal midpoint but only measuring **at rest**
By 'cylindrical carrier' do you mean they are all in line in a tube, contacting each other directly or they are side by side and connected by a link of some sort?

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