32650 Li-ions


Newly Enlightened
Jun 8, 2009
Hello everyone

I am looking for same 32650 Li-ion for an SST-90 project. The problem is taht I do not know were I can buy them. KD has not anymore they are soldout.

know anyone of you where i can buy same?

LG Kubbu
Protected or unprotected?

A few weeks back someone posted a link to this:
They appear to be identical to what Kaidomain normally sell (same pics & description).

If you want unprotected then KD do list those in stock:

The protected ones will not be able to be used on high current flow applications because that would trip the protection circuit. My ROP High (3854-H) bulbs trip the protection circuit when the filament is cold. They should be fine for the SST-90 project though.
Thanks you for the links but I think bestofferbuy is a bit fishy.
Have you good experience with this shop? I only read negative ratings!

Yes I have an charger an Graunper Ultramat.

Do anyone know another shop for the 32650?
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Thanks you for the links but I think bestofferbuy is a bit fishy.
Have you good experience with this shop? I only read negative ratings!

Yes I have an charger an Graunper Ultramat.

Do anyone know another shop for the 32650?

I have never used bestofferbuy, I only know about them because of this thread: http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=253195

I bought my 32650 cells from KD and that have been good so far, but I don't know of anyone else selling them.
A few weeks back someone posted a link to this:
They appear to be identical to what Kaidomain normally sell (same pics & description).
I would stay away from these people or you will end up paypal dispute.
Don't make same mistake that I did.

I bought my 32650 cells from KD and that have been good so far, but I don't know of anyone else selling them.
I bought 2 of them last year. First one worked about a week and second one worked 4 weeks. Both had 0.00 voltage and don't take charge.
Primary cells would work longer.
i got these cells from kd few months ago, work fine, went thru about 10-15 cycles, still going strong, i tried them in hotwires, but they shut off at about 5amps. so i moved them into 3xp7, and there they work great. it has a really long runtime on 4 of them.
i personally can't complain about kd or the cells, guess i was lucky this time.

now about bestofferbuy, i wish someone warned me about them before, i placed an order with them, for some small junk, and 2 of those cells, few weeks ago, they e mailed me that they have them out of stock, but can replace them with other cells, similar to those, they emailed me pic of those new cells, they look exactly like those that i ordered, i didn't receive the package yet, but they emailed me, that my order was shipped out.

i'll update post when i receive the package, if there will be anything interesting to post that is.
I bought 2 of them last year. First one worked about a week and second one worked 4 weeks. Both had 0.00 voltage and don't take charge.
Primary cells would work longer.

I wonder if it is just the protection circuit that has failed? Possibly worth removing the circuit and using the cells unprotected.

From Kaidomain:
I have bought several protected 32650 cells, several protected 2x32650 cells (2 cell battery packs with a protection circuit) and about 7 unprotected 32600 cells. All purchased last year (over a year ago) and all still working well. They are powering four Maglite 2D and one Maglite 3D lights - 3 ROPs & 2 hotwires. The protected cells are running my 3854-L & 3853-H ROP lights and also my 64430 bulb/AW softstarter. The 3854-H bulb has too little resistance when cold so the inrush current trips the protection circuit - so I am currently using unprotected cells with this, until I get some thermistors to mod it anyway. My 3D runs a 64430 at 79W so the current draw is just too much for the protection circuit, but the Alan B driver has low voltage cut-off so I am comfortable using the unprotected cells in that. I have tested some of those Li-ion D cells and measured ~5000mAh capacity - I couldn't be happier with those cells TBH.

I have put 7 orders through Kaidomain and although some took several weeks to send out none of them failed to arrive. It will be interesting to see how things go for alpg88 with his order from bestofferbuy. It's a real pity that it is so hard to find these Li-ion D cells, I'd prefer to buy from AW if he had some available, his protection circuits tend to be better too.
ok ,received my order from bestofferbuy.
not as bad as it could have been , but not good either.
one item they didn't put in the box, (not expencive) neither they put a note that they will ship it later, like dx does, i emailed them, will see what they say.

now the 32650, like i said before they were out of stock on those, and offered me
as they said
>Please be advised that the recommended product has a
> similar
> functionality as the original product unless otherwise
> stated.
well it was nowhere stated that those cells would be unprotected, it got no similar functionality as they claimed.

well i'll have to think of something, i'll find a way to use them.

i'm not gonna dispute or fight with those guys, i just will not ever deal with them ever again.

like FM said stay away from those guys.
out of all those china located sites dx seem to be the most competent and profecional one.

kd and bob both missed items, kd also shipped wrong item, and never responded on any of my 3 emails.
now the 32650, like i said before they were out of stock on those, and offered me
as they said
>Please be advised that the recommended product has a
> similar
> functionality as the original product unless otherwise
> stated.
well it was nowhere stated that those cells would be unprotected, it got no similar functionality as they claimed.

I like the unprotected cells, they can handle plenty of amps. But you can buy those from KD and I think I'd trust them a little more than bestofferbuy. Apart from a bit of a long wait on one of my orders I haven't had any problems with KD, but I doubt that I will ever put any orders through bestofferbuy - thanks for the warning.

I have to use the unprotected cells on my lights that draw too much current. But you have to be careful, It's not a good idea to let them run too low without a circuit to protect them from damage. My 3854-L and both 3853 bulbs all work from protected cells so they are my preference for those lights - the trick seems to be finding someone that has them available, obviously bestofferbuy only says they have them, but doesn't really. bestofferbuy = :thumbsdow
but wait, there is more.

after closer examination of other stuff i got, i found more screw ups
i ordered 2 different types of switches, they send me 2 different bags, with 2 different part numbers stickers, but switches were identical in both bags.
another reason not to deal with those guys.
another reason not to deal with those guys.

Best = irony?

I could understand the reasons for chancing them if they offered protected 32650 cells when no one else does, but since they don't actually have the stock they claim to - steer clear!

Did they charge you less for the unprotected cells? KD sell them for $16.99.
I've had very good luck with DX and KD. I once received an arguably defective charger from KD. I emailed them about it and after a few emails back and forth, they graciously agreed to send me another one at no charge, with my next order, which they did.

I have always found them to be responsive to emails.

Their website kind of sucks, lacks info, reviews, etc., and they are a bit slow to ship, but they seem to be reliable and honest, ime.

DX has been pretty good for me with many orders, however, one time I canceled an order within a few minutes after placing it. They never refunded my payment, although they said they would, and after a month, I had to initiate a PayPal dispute after which they did process my refund. Aside from that one bad experience, they have been great, so I continue to do business with them.
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It has to be said that high-quality 3AA:1D, 6AA:2D etc adaptors are a realistic and practical alternative to 32600 cells, lacking, by comparison, only in capacity.
I have also good experience with KD and DX.
I also know the other possiblities like 9AA:3D or 2x18650:2D but the 32650 have so much capacity. The are perfect for an 1D Mag mod.
I (perhaps foolishly) ordered some of the protected 32650s before I noticed this thread, and have now (perhaps predictably) got an identical email to alpg88. I've replied asking them whether their replacement cells have a protection PCB, and what the capacity, price, etc are - I'll report here if I get a reply.

However, I'm not very hopeful. So... plan B is to try to find a protection PCB I can put on the unprotected 32600 cells KD sells. Does anyone know of a protection PCB that will fit within the 32mm diameter of these cells, and allow a 5A current draw? Circular, preferably. I suspect this is a long shot, as I've only found a single-cell circuit so far that will do 2A (batteryjunction.com).

Plan C is to get a protection IC, 5A-capable mosfet, and some shrinkwrap and make a protection circuit myself. I figure there's plenty of board area to play with on the top of a D cell, and the components could be laid out around the edge of the PCB, leaving an area in the middle for a raised button to be soldered on. Should add no more than 3mm to the length, and if KD's D cells really are 32600, rather than 32650, that should be fine. Can anyone confirm this? And would there be any interest in such a circuit?
I took the chance with an Alibaba distributer & just got 5*32650ish protected cells from a manufacturer in China as a sample.
These are actually 68.5mm long but this I knew before the purchase as all the specs were made available to me prior to payment.

They were very accommodating as to allowing the choice of the break over current that the cells trip at.
They are 55000mah and will run 15c constant if that means anything to you.

The draw back is that they will only FedEx them, & with shipping they cost $22 per cell which will need to improve long term, but I got exactly what I wanted without any problems.

The downside is the company is under the impression that the exercise will yield a further minimum sale of about 60 cells (a carton).
If I go into Sales that could well be the case but for my own usage I'm happy for now.

I suggest not to give up the search..:naughty:
I took the chance with an Alibaba distributer & just got 5*32650ish protected cells from a manufacturer in China as a sample.

They are 55000mah and will run 15c constant if that means anything to you.

It means that there is something fishy here.

When you say protected do you mean that there is some kind or pressure release valve or are you talking about an electronic protection circuit?
I have never heard of a protection circuit that is capable of handling 15C worth of current from a 5500mAh cell.

Maybe the cells are capable of 15C even though the protection circuit will trip at 2C?
iq2k, I'm assuming that was meant to say 5500mah and 1.5c constant, is that correct? (That would make sense.)

Colonel I stand corrected as they are 5500mah with pcm button top & should run 15A constant.
Google Foshan Shida Battery Company Ltd.

For those who want to see frontline batteries try google ABS batteries.