i got these cells from kd few months ago, work fine, went thru about 10-15 cycles, still going strong, i tried them in hotwires, but they shut off at about 5amps. so i moved them into 3xp7, and there they work great. it has a really long runtime on 4 of them.
i personally can't complain about kd or the cells, guess i was lucky this time.
now about bestofferbuy, i wish someone warned me about them before, i placed an order with them, for some small junk, and 2 of those cells, few weeks ago, they e mailed me that they have them out of stock, but can replace them with other cells, similar to those, they emailed me pic of those new cells, they look exactly like those that i ordered, i didn't receive the package yet, but they emailed me, that my order was shipped out.
i'll update post when i receive the package, if there will be anything interesting to post that is.