3D model of D-cell Mag


Newly Enlightened
Aug 31, 2009
North East USA
I've been a lurker for quite some time (even before I joined) and am finally getting ready to start building a custom mag. I was wondering if there is an accurate 3D model of a D-cell mag light out there? I could model it myself but if I can find one it would save me the time. Thanks!
Welcome to CPF
If you're thinking about a mag85 I just got through putting one together. This is a easy build and there is plenty of info by using the google search above. Fivemega has every thing to build a basic mag85 and several options for heads. You can always make upgrades or changes later. "Regulated switch:whistle:"
Here is one of my 2 D-cell Mag models. The head and tube are stock, but the bezel and tail cap are custom. I believe I have a model for a stock tail cap and I could easily do the OEM bezel. This model has been accurate enough to be used as a design tool for several custom parts.

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