4 D-cell battery enclosure?


Mar 23, 2007
Virginia, USA
I'm looking for a battery holder for 4-D batteries that won't allow them to shift and break contact when it's shaken and moved around roughly. I know I could just use one of the 4D holders from radio shack and duck-tape them in, but I'm looking for something slightly more reusable and cleaner (plus I don't want ducktape residue on my rechargable D-cells) So is there such a thing as an enclosed 4D battery holder out there? Even Mouser doesn't have them... The leads/contact type doesn't matter a whole lot as I can adapt my design to whatever is necessary. I'm hoping to find one with the batteries aligned as in this one:


Any ideas?
I have an idea, you may not like though. Maybe get a 4D M@glite from home depot and run wires out from the switch like we do for an LED mod..... Justathought
TMorita said:

Dude that's uncanny - that's exactly what I was going to do with it! I wanted to make an extended runtime batt-pack that you could hook up to a 4AA headlight with minimal modifications. I'm working on a very rough "proof of concept" right now, but this pelican thing will DEFINITELY be used in a better version. Thanks a million! :)
Daekar said:
Dude that's uncanny - that's exactly what I was going to do with it! I wanted to make an extended runtime batt-pack that you could hook up to a 4AA headlight with minimal modifications. I'm working on a very rough "proof of concept" right now, but this pelican thing will DEFINITELY be used in a better version. Thanks a million! :)

I had the same idea and spent about two months looking for a good battery pack. You're welcome. :)

I have a few of these batt packs already. They're very sturdy.
