5.11 Tactical Under Gear Question


Nov 8, 2006
Anyone have some 5.11 Tactical Series Undergear loose t? I want to make sure before I get one that it can be washed in warm cycle, not cold, cuz making it just a one a couple days wash is kinda gross. .I don't wash cold loads that much. Anywho, if anyone has one, any input would be greatly appreciated.
Hmmm, 80% Polyester and 20% Spandex, I don't see a problem with the warm cycle. I use similar shirts for my self defense class and wash them regularly in cold or warm. The only 5.11 gear I own is the tactical pants.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! Well, if you can wash those "types" of shirts in warm, then why would the underarmour I have be any different? What type of shirt do you have?
I wear Underarmour, Patagonia Capliene, Mountain Hardwear baselayers, and Smartwool stuff. All cold usually but sometimes warm and hot accidentally. No problems, although I believe using HOT with the washing will slowly weaken all types of clothing in general, can't remember where I read that.

Is the 511 undergear good? maybe close to underarmour?
I got the impression that some of the stuff that the under armour was made of would melt or something if it was put in the dryer. Anywho, that's due to why the Air Force and most military organizations won't permit usage of underarmour, because it can melt to skin, thus resulting in nasty burns.
Have a good one!
Yeah, I also heard that about the polyester and fire. I think now they have a Nomex type underarmour shirt out there but its expensive and not easy to find.

Me and my friends would always put the Underarmour shirts in the dryer and have it nice and toasty when done but still work good. But for the most part I do line dry.