67LED HEADLAMP for $9.34!!!!!!!!

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Does anyone know wtf is up with this stuff.... do you think I should buy that headlamp it looks like a beast and its soooo cheap but i mean wtf
Hi Flash
Check the "Jeers" forum first before you spend too much money there -just a "Be Aware" warning.
Many people haven't had any trouble with them, but a few have.

regardless of the quality/construction one thing is for sure... you will have a heavy light as most lights with more than 2AA batteries have the pack in the back to balance the light better. With all those LEDs and 3 batteries be prepared for problem with it falling forward if you don't have the headband on tight enough.
If you order from Deal Extreme, be prepared for a LONG wait on your order. I ordered once from them, took almost 5 weeks (!) for the order to get to my door.
Flash-nubie, this is your 3rd new thread in just 2 days of membership. I already closed another of your threads yesterday, explaining why I did so.

Please read my post there again - the same applies to this one.

Please stop posting random threads about new things you are encountering for the first time. You will learn a lot more if you settle down and do some reading.

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