6D Not Working!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 14, 2002
Grand Rapids
I got out my 6 cell D the other day and put some freash cell's in and nothing? Checked the voltage at the Lamp base 7.5 volts then checked the Lamp it metered fine still tryed a new one nothing. Any idea's?
Light not working and you measured 7.5V.

Sounds like a high resistance somewhere. With no load to measure 7.5V instead of 9V indicates a problem to me.

Keep troubleshooting!!! Corrosion? Bad switch? Bad cell? That could be it...a very high-impedance dead cell. 5 cells give you 7.5V.

Good luck.

Shouldn't the lanp at lest glow at 7.5 volts? Also the + contact in the battery tube looks bad how do I get to it to clean?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jtintagliovat:
Shouldn't the lanp at lest glow at 7.5 volts? Also the + contact in the battery tube looks bad how do I get to it to clean?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Do you have a yardstick that fits down the barrel? Tape some sandpaper to the end, and clean the contact that way. Another way is to go to your local hardware store and buy a 3 foot length of 1/4 inch wood dowel. They are quite inexpensive. Tape some sanpaper securely to the end, put the dowel in your electricc drill, and go to town. If all else fails, you can send it back to Maglite, and they will fix it in about 2 weeks. You do have to pay for shipping to get it there, unfortunately, but their service dept. will really give the light a thorough going over, and replace anything that is worn or not up to specs.