6P 6PD click switch question


Newly Enlightened
Jun 13, 2008
I want to get a 6P, but like the click on/off of the 6PD model. (I don't care
for or need the head basher front end of the 6PD) Can the click on off
(not twist on off) switch be had without buying a 6PD?

Thanks, Paul
I got that klicky switch for a 6P mod, but to be honest:
buying just an end cap that costs almost what a complete led flashlight of high quality (that is way better than a 6P) costs, does not make sense, imho

especially if there is no 6P already avalable and/or no "reason" to still use it.
You could buy a clone with a clicky ( like the Cabela's XPG ) and swap the switches. That way you get your 6P with the clicky, and get another light out of it.

I'd ask for someone who has both lights to confirm they are the same before you did it though. I have the Cabela light and I like it a lot, but I don't have the 6p to verify interchangability for you. I am sure there's lots of people here who have both though...just ask around.