7.2v to 3.6v resistor for p7


Newly Enlightened
May 2, 2009
I want to put a p7 in my maglite 6d but I don't want to wire a driver. I want to try and keep it simple with a resistor if it's even possible, I wouldn't know because I'm new to this. How can I find the right resistor for my setup? I am thinking of 6 accu power d cells 7.2v 11500mAh to power the p7.
I want to put a p7 in my maglite 6d but I don't want to wire a driver. I want to try and keep it simple with a resistor if it's even possible, I wouldn't know because I'm new to this. How can I find the right resistor for my setup? I am thinking of 6 accu power d cells 7.2v 11500mAh to power the p7.

I wanted to do the same thing for a friend who needs things to be simple, so I sought the advice of a friend. To quote well known and respected CPF member Lambda:

"Well, see that's the problem - a 14 watt resistor would be the size of a D cell and get pretty hot. You would need a buck converter to use six cells. The heat generated by the resistor will be equal to, or more than the LED is generating. Kind of reverse heatsinking where the flashlight has it's own heater like an oven; very bad idea, could even make the batteries explode from the heat."

The only way to do a P7 in a 6D Mag properly is with a driver. I highly recommend a Shark Buck driver from The Sandwich Shoppe or TaskLED's hipCC.
A driver will be the best for this voltage, either that or you can try direct driving a Cree MC-E in 2s2p.

A driver isn't that hard to set up. I'm not sure how well this driver will work but all you have to do is wire the positive and negative from the switch to the respective contacts on the bottom, and the positive and negative from the driver to their respective contact points on the LED. The Shark is probably the best choice but it's much higher quality also comes with a cost.
The shark is the only thing I will have to wire? Some forums I have seen show the wiring of the driver and some other circuit board together. If I get this shark all I have to do is wire it to the stock and the led switch right?

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