7 yro Breaks Into Zoo, Feeds Live Animals to Croc


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 25, 2008
What could have possibly been going through this child's mind? Sick.

Just had to post it:

SYDNEY, Australia — A blank-faced 7-year-old boy broke into a popular Outback zoo, fed a string of animals to the resident crocodile and bashed several lizards to death with a rock, the zoo's director said Friday.
The boy jumped a security fence at the Alice Springs Reptile Center in central Australia early Wednesday, then went on a 30-minute killing spree, using a rock to slay three lizards, including the zoo's beloved, 20-year-old goanna, which he then fed to "Terry," an 11-foot, 440-pound vsaltwater crocodile, said zoo director Rex Neindorf.
The boy, whose deadly acts were caught on the zoo's security camera, also threw several live animals to Terry over the two fences surrounding the crocodile's enclosure, at one point climbing over the outer fence to get closer to the giant reptile. In the footage, the boy's face remains largely blank, Neindorf said.
"It was like he was playing a game," he said.
He killed 13 animals worth around $5,500, including a turtle, bearded dragons and thorny devil lizards, Neindorf said. Although none were rare, some would be difficult to replace, he said.
"We're horrified that anyone can do this, and saddened by the age of the child," Neindorf said.
Alice Springs police said they identified the boy, who lives locally, but were unable to press charges because of his age. Children under age 10 are not criminally liable under the law in the Northern Territory.
"By all accounts, he's quite a nasty 7-year-old," said Neindorf, who plans to sue the boy's parents. "If we can't put the blame onto the child, then someone has to accept the responsibility."
The zoo's security system, which relies on sensors, probably did not detect the boy because he is so small, Neindorf said.

to bad he didnt fall in with the croc.i dont care if he is only 7 that old enough to know what he did is wrong and insane
Dam!!! thats one devil of a kid. He needs a EPIC :whoopin:

such a shame on the wildlife.

I kinda laughed but upset when reading the "fed to Terry" part. :shakehead
It was said he did it with a blank stare on his face. Sounds to me like more than just a mean streak. I think he has some mental issues going on that will only get worse with age if uncorrected. It's sad. Maybe this incident will get him some much needed help.

This is the kind of kid that grows up and is called a nice quiet neighbor before they find the bodies in the basement and the heads in his bedroom.
o he is a nut pissed me off when i read this .that why i wish my cat was more fearfull of pople she will go to anyone any i wish she hide from all people
It does seem likely that the child has mental issues. And at 7 years of age, the parents must be complete retards to have not seen those issues. I doubt he was getting the professional help he needed. :shakehead

Best thing to do is have the parents pay compensation to the zoo. I'm sure Australia has Child Protective Services. If the parents refuse to get him professional help, then he should be removed from the home and placed in an institution until it can be determined what's wrong with him. Otherwise, this type of behavior will only get worse. And next time, he might be bashing smaller kids to death, instead of lizards.
The kid should be under close observation, and definitely therapy, he have not been taught the value of life.

The parents on the other hand are completely guilty, as they are supposed to have taught that set of information into the child, its surreal a kid that age still is unaware of that or has no conscience about it, they must be under observation too, and a rigorous mental theraphy, along with pedagogy clases because for sure they have shown that they are completely incapable of raising the child.

also i would investigate other humans around him, its possible this kid learned all this from another adult or other child that could have learned this from an adult; or probably, seen this in a movie or tv. thing is this shouldnt go away without taken great care of.
i think we need to hear his side, and the parent's side first...

for all we know, he just thought that the zoo wasnt feeding the croc enough...:shrug:

not taking sides, just sayin' :tinfoil:

exactly the point, no matter the intention, its the result what causes the concern

Driven by the total lack of conscience and information to the point the kid (in this hypotethical case) tought this was the best option.

if the case were the one you are putting as an example possibility, what prevents this kid from doing it again? even if theres a noble intention behind this?

definitely needs to be taken care of, and the truth found out of course, but thats to me something that is intrinsec always, thats why i havent mentioned in my previous post, albeit from what i wrote i thought it was a bit clearer.
I'm at a loss of words at the minute

I'm pretty sure a Goanna could kill a kid that young if it was inclined to...apparently like a celebrity it may have forgotten its survival skills:candle:
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sure the kid must have issues but he's only 7 that's why the law says you can't prosecute children; they are underdeveloped; their brains aren't functioning as they should yet.. some kids just aren't that good at discerning reality from fantasy, some kids see Superman on TV and then go jump out a window..sign o the (violent) times..as Aretha would say.
sure the kid must have issues but he's only 7 that's why the law says you can't prosecute children; they are underdeveloped; their brains aren't functioning as they should yet.. some kids just aren't that good at discerning reality from fantasy, some kids see Superman on TV and then go jump out a window..sign o the (violent) times..as Aretha would say.
i am no expert far from it but i think we are born with something in are heads that tells us thats wrong what he did
Could this kid have been sleepwalking? The blank stare is a concern--would have expected some type of emotion, be it excitement, anger, fear, etc.

Sleepwalking aside, something is terribly wrong, and the place to start is at his home. To be known as "quite a nasty 7-year-old" seems to tell a lot about his parents and how he is being raised.