A Li-ion battery working well in extreme cold and heat?

XTAR Light

Apr 26, 2010
We know that the extreme high or low temperature is not safe for the use of Li-ion batteries, and will also cause irrevocable damage to the batteries. Recently, the engineers at the University of California San Diego said they have developed new Li-ion batteries which can work well at extremely cold and hot temperature, with still packing a lot of energy.

Based on this technology, it may allow electric vehicles in cold and hot climates to travel farther on a single charge. It seems there will be benefits for EVs. Do you think this kind of battery will be promising? Or will there more other challenges? Thanks for your kind comments.
Until it makes it to the market it is for now nothing but promises. I've seen dozens of hyped battery tech over the last 10-20 years that never was sold on the market and if you go on youtube there are EV battery hypes of new tech every week now that are supposed to "change the game" but we still see lithium ion factories being built today. The companies needing/selling things aren't waiting on these new technologies to mature as EVs need a higher quality of battery that meets more stringent requirements that often aren't tested in these labs who sometimes just want a temporary bump in their stock portfolio
I'm very pessimistic about such statements, I'll believe it when i see it, Pretty much 95%+ of such announcements are nothing but loud slogans made to bring attention, and possibly grants. Notice how they never look for large investments, cuz investors will investigate and will seek return on their investment, but grants are direct opposite, you do not have to pay them back, or explain\prove your product actually has any future.