A suggestion for Mr. Gransee


Jul 3, 2001
I've been meaning to bring this up: I think it would be a very good idea for the mass marketing of the Arc-AAA to include a short piece of nylon cord with a small keyring on both ends to allow the Arc-AAA to make the 180 degree bend to shine on the keyhole, while you use both the light, and the key, on the same keyring. OK: steal the idea from, ahem, whomever might be using it, if it's not patented. If it's patented, come up with an alternative. It's too good not to include, and could really make a difference. The, ahem, one I'm thinking of isn't at all cheap to make, unfortunately. They are so well made, I have several that have outlived the lights that they came with, and are being used for similar tasks. (Hey, even with free repair, it still a Solitaire! I have an Arc-LE! Solitaires are for the unwashed masses, as it were.) Let me know what you think of this idea, if it hasn't already come up a half dozen times. I think it's worth serious consideration. (Hey: if it weren't for the Macs, we wouldn't have Windows, would we? Did that come out the way I meant???)
Thanks for the great idea Gandalf! I agree is makes it easier to see the lock while using the key.

Another accessory on the list.
