A9 owners, does this sound right?

Steve Curtis

Newly Enlightened
Aug 16, 2007
UK but soon to be New York
Over the weekend I went shooting up in the mountains (no light pollution) my A9 ( smooth reflector ) with fresh Panasonic cells was out thrown and out powered by my 4D maglite with Terralux 6EX (factory reflector) with 4 month old Duracell cells , I expected much more from the A9 considering it should have over 100 Lumen more than the 6EX mag.

would you consider this to be normal ? I played around with the mags focus so it has the same spill as the A9s beam and its still had more throw and spill brightness , could this be a duff Q5

both were able to throw 200 + yards to a cliff face but after looking at some of the past beam shots i though the A9 would be stronger by a big margin.

This isn't a moan just a question to owners

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Over the weekend I went shooting up in the mountains (no light pollution) my A9 ( smooth reflector ) with fresh Panasonic cells was out thrown and out powered by my 4D maglite with Terralux 6EX (factory reflector) with 4 month old Duracell cells , I expected much more from the A9 considering it should have over 100 Lumen more than the 6EX mag.

would you consider this to be normal ? I played around with the mags focus so it has the same spill as the A9 and its still had more throw and spill light, could this be a duff Q5

both were able to throw 200 + yards to a cliff face but after looking at some of the past beam shots i though the A9 would be stronger by a big margin.

This isn't a moan just a question to owners


My A9 out throw my mag charger and have more of focus beam.:twothumbs
huuummmmmmmm interesting, have now e-mailed the vendor to see if they have any ideas.

A magcharger should :whoopin: a 4D Terralux 6EX in all areas, if the A9 you have is out throwing that :duh2: .

