AA MiniMag Collection

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Farewell our Curmudgeon Administrator
Apr 14, 2002
Granbury, Tx USA
Here is a picture of my collection of AA MiniMags in factory colors. It is, to my knowledge, now comlpete! I would like to thank those members of The CPF that have helped me in this quest.

edited 12-15-02: New picture and new lists.
edited 12-20-02 New picture and new lists.
edited 07-18-03 New picture and new lists
edited 10-29-03 New picture and new lists
edited 07-10-04 New picture and new lists

Top row L-R: Green, Lime Green, Jade, Light Blue, Blue, Dark Blue/Purple, Purple/Violet, Fuschia, Pink, Red

Bottom row L-R: Copper, Black, Orange, Gold, Silver, Pewter/Gray, Bronze, Camo, Flag

Here is turbodog's (Jeff) collection as of 12-31-03.

If you're interested in getting any of the NASCAR lights, Smokeymoutain Knife works has them on sale now. TX (nice collection)
Wow! Great collection. I really like the idea with the shelving. Before you leave your house you can grab the flashlight flavor of the day and take it with you.
Actually these have no batteries in them! I have 4 other Minimags that are all modified with pills, dropins, sandwitches and tailcap switches that I use for light!
Well, it it makes sense to only have batteries in flashlights that you use. Why take the chance of ruining part or all of a collection??
Roy...WHERE did you find the orange one!? I've been looking everywhere for an orange Solitaire and 2XAAA MiniMag...Thanx, and that's a great looking collection!

One of the Wal Mart's in my area has Solitaires in Lime, Jade and Brown (bronze?) plus the standard colors. Did not see Gold or light blue. They also package some Solitaires with the Nite Ize flexible holder which conveniently holds an Arc AAA. Give your light legs.

I found an Orange in Mexico in a Hotel gift shop. It was of the newer style with the flat tail seal. Mag claims it is an older color.

Target also has the new green shade Mag calls Jade. Kind of between dark green and lime. Comes in all the series up to at least 3D.
I found most by either checking on e-bay or doing google searches for "AA Minimag "color"".
I think that the ".ch" in the address means that it is in the Czech Republic. I don't read Czeck and it ain't in English!
Nice to know that the Pink is out there somewhere. Thanks.
I vaguely remember seeing a pink one somewhere around a while back. Now if I could only remember where. I'll check on it and get back to you if by chance I find one.

Lime greens on backorder at DevDepot.com! Expected arrival 12-1. Let's hope they are lime and not dark green or teal....

My first orange AA Minimag was a Tony Stewart NASCAR version. Has a copy of his signature on the battery tube. I was trying to collect Minimags that had no indorsement on them. The Lime Green and Orange came ftom www.toolworks.com in germany and the really dark Blue/Purple one came from Galls in New Zealand!


Where did you get a BRONZE AA Minimag? I don't have that color! I'11 trade you my daughter for it!
Originally posted by INRETECH:
- I go to TARGET and they had 100s of GREENs
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">The ones at Target are Jade. There are green ones also, but apparently the Jade ones were a special introduction through Target.
I don't have a Target store here!
Anyone want to get me a JADE AA Minimag? Fulley reembursed for your expenses of course!!!
I had only seen:

) Black
) Red
) Blue
) Silver
) Bronze

And then, out of the blue - I go to TARGET and they had 100s of GREENs

I have never seen Orange or Gold
I contacted a plating company and they want $100 to GOLD PLATE (real gold) the AA MAGLITE
I found this on some b-board. I have no idea about the validity of the claim

- Vikas

"Orchard Supply Hardware has the Mini maglite on sale for $5.99. Several colors were in stock. Purple, blue, silver, red, and green as I remember. Hopefully this helps someone out.
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