AAA-DS, availability and how to identify?


Mar 29, 2003
I notice the AAA-DS has been out of stock on Arc's site for quite a long while. Peter, if you're reading this, can you tell us if they are likely to ever come back, or are they replaced by the GS version (probably a reasonable approach)? I saw some mention a while back that some black DS's would be produced, so I'm wondering also if any of those ever shipped (I've been hoping to buy one).

Also (to anyone with any ideas): is there any reasonably easy and identifiable way to identify an AAA-DS? In practice this means how to distinguish it from a CS, aside from comparing the wall bounce brightness side by side with batteries known to be in equal charge states. I guess there were also some AAA-BS made with the new style head, but not very many, and the brightness difference should be pretty obvious. The GS of course has its oval beam shape that is easy to identify, and the Snow has its characteristic (lack of) tint.

Finally I'm wondering if the AAA-Snow might become available again sometime, though I already have one and am not immediately in the market for another.

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many are in the market for a snow arc aaa, aa & even color led ones...

I might buy another Arc-AAA if it has a DS LED in it, but not if I can only get a GS. I'm not a fan of the purple hotspot.

I happen to know is selling DS LEDs for ~$1.30 apiece, so it's not an issue of availability.
OK, sorry for being slow to respond. We are discontinueing the DS due to that fact that most people want the GS. We do have a small number of DS (less than 20) remaining and you can specially request one of those for the usual price, but after they are gone, we don't plan on making any more.

OK, sorry for being slow to respond. We are discontinueing the DS due to that fact that most people want the GS. We do have a small number of DS (less than 20) remaining and you can specially request one of those for the usual price, but after they are gone, we don't plan on making any more.

Okay, I'd like to request a DS in an olive body. Do you have any of those?
Oh cool! I think all these Nichia leds have enough color cast that they won't satisfy beam purists. Despite the beam shape I think most users would not actually choose a DS over a GS for normal use. I asked about the DS on the theory that I already have all the other white-led models (BS, CS, GS, Snow), so a DS would complete the set, but if I were picking just one I'd certainly take the GS. I may email Maria about getting a DS with black tube.

I think olive means an actual greenish finish like brand F sometimes uses, to give the light a pseudo-military styling. Natural HA is more neutral though it can sometimes have a greenish cast.
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