
Newly Enlightened
Dec 11, 2006
Hi folks, I haven't kept up with new lights for over a year or more now and was looking to replace my Fenix LOD-CE that I gave away a while back and I've been lightless for way too long now.

Before I picked up an LDO1 I thought I'd see if there are any other recommendations. Here's what I'm looking for (to carry on my keychain):

-AAA (a must), tough, bright and small as possible with AAA, would like a low-low, a clicky would be nice but not a must, preferably somewhere in the $40-$80 range.

Suggestions much appreciated!
Why spend $40! Just get the Brinkmann 1-AAA ArmorMax light. It's under $20 at Academy. You will not be disappointed.
peak eiger medium beam #4 - its what I am ordering when the wife isnt looking
Check out the IlluminaTi over at battery junction. it's a twisty. Titanium and around $50.
4sevens preon has a good following also.
Don't forget to use your cpf discount.

I used to EDC a Fenix LD01. Small and very lightweight. It has 3 modes.
Medium (28 Lumens) > Low (10) > High (85).
I think the lumens ratings are a tad bid overrated though, the high might be somewhere around 60 Lumens - my SF E1L easily lights up a dark room brighter than the LD01. Otherwise don't have many complaints about the LD01.
One thing I can tell you for sure is if you plan to drop it in your pocket you'll forget it's even there. :)
Check out the IlluminaTi over at battery junction. it's a twisty. Titanium and around $50.
4sevens preon has a good following also.
Don't forget to use your cpf discount.


I have the IlluminaTi with an XP-G and it is very bright. Lo-Med-Hi. Simple. Very classy looking in the shirt pocket, too.
There is lots of love for the Preon 1xAAA's here on CPF.

I've been waiting for an XP-G version of the LD01 for a long long long time and still no news yet... :ironic:
There's lots of good AAA edcs out there. If you want a budget light that provides a usable 10 lumens, go for the Fenix EO1. It does 10 lumens for 21 hours on a single aaa battery.

However, if you want more power, go with something like the fenix ld01. I think a lot of people here of CPF love the arc aaa. It's built like a tank and there was a guy who lost it in a cave and found it a few years later intact.

Other recommendations are the IlluminaTi aaa and the preon1 from quark. all are good lights

Good luck!
If you can find one the LiteFlux LF2XT is, for me, the best AAA EDC available. It goes for around $65. For a bit less than half that the Maratac AAA and ITP A3 and both good performers with pretty low lows.

Maratac AAA has been hanging on my key chain now for more than half a year and is still working flawlessly. I guess I may one of the few who likes M-L-H UI.
If you can find one the LiteFlux LF2XT is, for me, the best AAA EDC available. It goes for around $65. For a bit less than half that the Maratac AAA and ITP A3 and both good performers with pretty low lows.


I strongly agree. IMHO the LF2XT is the ultimate AAA EDC available. Ability to use unprotected 10440's with over discharge protection rocks.

Of course I had to dress mine up with a Ti clip and button with a trit so its more like $120 now. I cant leave good enough alone :thinking:

But I love it:naughty:
Man, I just remembered why I love this forum! :)

The Preon - I didn't know about this one. Looks really nice! It looks a little too "pretty" for my keychain. But I want one anyway.

IlluminaTi - this one looks sweet too! 90 Lumens! Want!

The LF2XT is what I almost got instead of my last Fenix. This would probably be my choice but I couldn't find a retailer to buy one from and don't want to try to track one down and probably have to set up a PayPal account (I know, sad I don't have one already).

EO1 - I may be one the few that was disappointed with this one, got one when they first came out. The tint (on mine) was really odd - very blueish. And I didn't like carrying something so much bigger than a Photon but not nearly as bright. But I think it'd be a good survival type wilderness back up light or something like that.

The Maratac looks like a solid little light for 20 bucks...I may get one of those in addition to another one. :)

In summary, instead of one light I now want four. Leaning towards that pretty Preon or the Illuminati. Wanted something a little more rugged for the keychain but damn I'm a sucker for form! :)

I have been carrying the LD01 for a long time on my key chain and it has been very reliable. I carry my aluminum LD01 on my key chain and I have a SS one that I use around my neck at night or when I am out camping. They simple work well all the time.

When I go out of town on my bike I carry my RA Clicky in a holster on my belt, but my LDO1 is in my pocket. I own other AAA lights and I cannot say bad things about my other AAA lights, but I always go with my LD01"s. My wife carries the E01, one in her purse and one on her key chain.

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