AAA in a C Light


Newly Enlightened
Aug 11, 2006
What will happen if I try to use THREE AAA batteries (carrier from a gerber light) in a Task-Force 3W LED that uses TWO C batteries? Will it be brighter or will I damage the light? Thanks.
Voltage drop under load is less with recheargeables, alkalines simple can not deliver the power that recheargeables can. Considering the initial increase in supply voltage I would never consider it. Also the 2C must have an electronic circuit to step up the voltage, it too might smoke.
My first LED was 3 LED using 3AA so I thought I could use rechargeables, but they supplied just enough excess voltage to cause premature failure of the LED's first one started bliniking steadly for a few days, not long before the next one did the blinking trick and was finished shortly after, so I took the led module from a coast which fit exactly and the same thing happend, thats when I learned it was the recheargeables
You have given me an idea, I have a 2C mag, why not put in a terralux soul, 3AAA and a spacer, I just need real thrower for minutes at a time. I already have the 3AAA carier. I think even I could pull that off, LOL
Rechargeable have less voltage then Alkaline batteries but rechargeables can give up their energy much faster then alkalines can so the extra amperage fries the LED. Putting 6 batteries in a flashlight meant for 2 will almost always fry the circuit and the LED.