AAA lights that can take 10440?


Nov 2, 2009
I'm looking for a small keychain light and was curious which AAA lights could take the 10440 battery?

I'd like 3 levels - I'm fine with L/M/H or H/M/L for some reason I hate the lights that start in Medium mode.

I really like the looks of the Ti Innoventions illuminati... I know it says that its "not recommended" to run on a 10440; anybody try doing that? What are the risks - are we talking about wrecking your light or having it blow up in your hand and taking off a few fingers :) Do you think a guy would be ok with running it on a 10440 in medium mode with the occasional 15 second switch to high?

All suggestions welcome!! Thanks!

I run my ITP A3 on one, and I know of many others that have run Fenix L0d and LD01's on them for a long time with no problems. I think the main risk is shortening the life of an led, although there seems to be some debate as to whether it will take it from 50,000hrs life to 40,000hrs (which I'm pretty sure I'd never get chance to even find out about) or if it poses a threat to ruining the led within a few hours of use. :thinking: I would guess somewhere in between but nothing to be of too much cause for concern if used sparingly.

I would stay cautious and keep the use on high to a minimum like you suggest though, the longest I've heard anyone successfully run one of these mentioned lights on a 10440 was 4 minutes, but I never run my A3 for over a minute at a time.

The Illuminati is made of titanium however, and so will be a lot less effective at heatsinking, so the time taken for the emitter to heat up should be less. So, if you are getting that light I would be even more careful and limit yourself to as you say about 15 seconds at a time.

Basically, It should be okay, but if I had the choice I'd pick the ITP again straight away. It's really great quality for what it cost me, and not only does it heatsink better, but if it does ever fail, then I can afford another for the price of an Illuminati anyway..
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The LFXT2 would be be first that comes to mind and is specifically designed for liion's and is an outstanding light in all respects.

I also run my ITP A3's on 10440's. Just be prudent, you'll love the increased output.
The LFXT2 would be be first that comes to mind and is specifically designed for liion's and is an outstanding light in all respects.

I also run my ITP A3's on 10440's. Just be prudent, you'll love the increased output.

iTP starts on medium mode, I would also like it more to go L/M/H :thinking:
I just bought some protected 10440 and Im now using on my L0D.
I previously had so unprotected 10440 and it never worked ok... cells where bad because after 10s on high it would died to a very low.

I also have a ITP A3 Ti but this cell has the protection circuit and it does not fit...

Back when the LD01 was realised there was a confusion with the spec and a lot of people tested the light with 10440 and it was fine... although it gets really hot in less then 1min.

the LF2XT remembers the last setting used, so you can have it turn on at whatever brightness level you prefer.
Here's the 1AAA lights I'm aware of:

Won't accept 10440 AFAIK
Fenix E01 $13 LED-Nichia-GS(5mm)

10440 not officially supported but CPF members say OK
Titanium Innovations IlluminaTi $55 LED-Cree-XP-G-R5-1B
Fenix L0D-Q4 $35 LED-Cree-XR-E-Q4
Fenix L0D (original) LED-Luxeon-III-T
Fenix LD01 $40 LED-Cree-XR-E-Q5
Maratac AAA $22 LED-Cree-XR-E-Q5

10440 works but not recommended per manufacturer due to heat
ITP A3 EOS Upgrade Edition $21 LED-Cree-XR-E-Q5

10440 fully supported
Liteflux LF2X $57 LED-Cree-SSC-R2?
Liteflux LF2XT $65 LED-Cree-XP-E-Q4
ARCmania Extreme Micro III $79 LED-Luxeon-Rebel

Remember that any of these will quickly get hot on high with a

Perhaps you could consider other formats for a keychain light. I
considered an iTP A3 EOS Upgrade Edition for my keychain but
ended up going with a Quark Mini 123 with a 16340 - it's fatter
but shorter.

For a long time I had only a Photon microlight on my keychain -
and still have it on there as backup or quick use.

(Also have an LF2X I carry in my key pocket).

Or go for style, like a Drake, Draco or Lummi Wee.

Or go slightly larger with AA and 14500 for more choices.
Here's the 1AAA lights I'm aware of:

Won't accept 10440 AFAIK
Fenix E01 $13 LED-Nichia-GS(5mm)

10440 not officially supported but CPF members say OK
Titanium Innovations IlluminaTi $55 LED-Cree-XP-G-R5-1B
Fenix L0D-Q4 $35 LED-Cree-XR-E-Q4
Fenix L0D (original) LED-Luxeon-III-T
Fenix LD01 $40 LED-Cree-XR-E-Q5
Maratac AAA $22 LED-Cree-XR-E-Q5

10440 works but not recommended per manufacturer due to heat
ITP A3 EOS Upgrade Edition $21 LED-Cree-XR-E-Q5

10440 fully supported
Liteflux LF2X $57 LED-Cree-SSC-R2?
Liteflux LF2XT $65 LED-Cree-XP-E-Q4
ARCmania Extreme Micro III $79 LED-Luxeon-Rebel

Remember that any of these will quickly get hot on high with a

Perhaps you could consider other formats for a keychain light. I
considered an iTP A3 EOS Upgrade Edition for my keychain but
ended up going with a Quark Mini 123 with a 16340 - it's fatter
but shorter.

For a long time I had only a Photon microlight on my keychain -
and still have it on there as backup or quick use.

(Also have an LF2X I carry in my key pocket).

Or go for style, like a Drake, Draco or Lummi Wee.

Or go slightly larger with AA and 14500 for more choices.

The maratac AAA, illuminati, and itp A3 are all basically the same. They can run on 10440, but probably not safe to do so on high for long periods of time.

Anyone tested to see what the tailcap draw is from one of these lights on high with a 10440?
I'm a bit late in replying and it looks like you already have an answer, but I also run my ITP A3 on them. As many before me have said, not for very long though. 10-15 secs on high at the most.
I also use 10440s in my Tank007 TK-703. It does get noticeably hot in about a minute, though. And, of course, it's only a single mode light.

I also use 10440s in my TrustFire XP-E F23. This one has the advantages of multiple modes (high, low, strobe) and the ability to fit protected 10440s.
I felt the same way at first, but now actually like the medium better & don't use the high much at all. I know I am in the minority on the level sequence of the A3;).

Yes, medium is the best choice to start if you are constantly using 10440 :thinking:
I´m now been running mostly on primaries.
I have been using 10440 even with TANK007 E06.
Can take heat pretty well.

Do you mean two 10440's or just one in without the extension?

I ran mine on just one for 5 minutes to see how it it would get and melted all the plastic around the spring at the positive contact :thumbsdow it still works fine so I guess its all good really, I wont be using 10440's in it again from now on though..