I work in pest control and most of it is rodents in industrial premises therefore my torch burns up a good few hours per week. I have always used maglites up to now, long ones 4 -5 D they come in handy when something unpleasant needs a poke. I am trying to choose a new one. I want it to be a long one 4 or 5 cell for poking things ( you learn very early not to use fingers when poking at debris and holes ), it must be LED for battery life and as bright as poss without being silly (200-300+). Do you informed people think I should stick with mags or is there something better fitting my criteria. All the powerful LED's I have been looking at (900 lumens one !) are all AA size and aren't so good at exploring crevices. The further from the teeth end the better i.e. 325mm torch length min. I was going for a C cell this time because they are lighter and easier to grip (thinner) but would need to use an aftermarket LED upgrade. Any help would be appreciated.